Tuesday, September 22

Blog Poetry Slam 32: School

*yeah that's me... OLD SCHOOL!*

Sorry I missed last week's poetry slam, guess what has me busy???? SCHOOL... so please give me a pass! So today's slam topic is school... Whether you want to write something about your favorite subject, your know about how your heart plus my heart equals a divine word problem (ooh, let me write that down) or about new school, old school, even a school of fish, whatever it is GO FOR IT! I wrote the beginning of a piece i am working on for this that I hope you like and I can't wait to see your poems in the comments following mine... Your poems can be long, short or even a haiku! If you do not write poetry, then tell the poets you think of their pieces. Good luck!

i hate science
so i need your help
with a few questions...
how is it that
when we're two-gether
i feel l-one-ly
what theory is that?
maybe Newton was right and our two hearts can't occupy the same place at the same time...

i'm not great at history
and it shows
i keep repeating it
you know:
civil wars of the soul
revolutions of resentment
famine of the heart...

but philosophy i know
and a guy once said
true wisdom
is realizing you know nothing
and with this love thing:
i feel wise as hell....

(just a rough draft by the way)


(I have news about the giveaway winner coming tomorrow!)




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