Tuesday, September 8

Guest Poet: "Grey Matters"

My guest poet for today is a very awesome woman and author by the name of Ain. We are mutual fans of each other. She has featured me a few times on her blogs and I could not wait for the opportunity to extend the invitation to her. She graciously accepted and sent me this lovely piece. Also, make sure to visit her blog and go ahead and subscribe while you are at it, I'll leave the links at the end of her poem!


Grey Matters

He loves me


We kiss on the moon

And cuddle with the sun

He writes partial love notes

But on shady days

He ends them with “Peace, Me”

We shun exclusiveness

While jealousy resides in us

He loves me


Me, skip a seat, him

At the movies

And he leans over to kiss my forehead

He loves me


He thinks of me everyday

And calls me every other

When I cry, we cry

We dream different dreams


He slow dances with my smile

And laughs at my frown

He loves me


Ain HD
Poem from [If] Life's Rotten, Write to the Core: http://www.amazon.com/If-Lifes-Rotten-Write-Core/dp/0557003067

She also can be found at Rhyme Revival...




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