Monday, September 28

Blog Poetry Slam 33: Miracles

So today I am kind of out of it... but right now on my mind is on miracles... whether they be small everyday ones, miracles in relationships, miracles on a grand scale, just write about it... cheer me up, please....

Please write a poem to fit the theme in the comments... Your poems can be long, short or even a haiku! If you do not write poetry, then tell the poets you think of their pieces. Thanks for coming by and please cheer this sad, pitiful creature named Alise up by writing something special... Thanks in advance...

my eyes parted his soul like the Red Sea
a man of great faith
made way for thousands of enslaved emotions into his arms
a miracle

that is all mine

and i thank
the most high...

i love you

and for me to prove it may take
... a miracle

but they do

(and i'm worth it)




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