Thursday, September 10

Giveaways & Guest Poet: SheHateMe

Now I am a poor little student, but I wanted to do a giveaway for my lovely readers for your continued support. So it is not extravagant, but I think it is something you will enjoy. I will be giving away a package including: my book, "Alise in Wonderland," a fabulous journal, and a few CD's from some of Durham NC's greatest local spokenword artists. To win, just leave a poem (doesn't have to be new, any length, any topic) and your email address. You can email me your entry or post it in today's comments! I will throw the names in a bowl and have my Mommy pull out a name... I am leaving this open until next Thursday 9/17/09 and announce the winner on next Friday 9/18/09. Good Luck!

I will leave you with the final guest poet for the week, he goes by the web moniker of SheHateMe. We started the week off with some testosterone and we will end it that way. Please show some love to a very intelligent, interesting, intriguing guy that I have had the pleasure of befriending through the web. I know you will enjoy his writing as much as I do. Also be sure to visit his blog, Blogs of the Invisible Soul and show him some love :


Well, what can I say about myself that would be accurate? Well, I'm a Gemini. I'm also a father, a son, a brother, a cousin, a nephew, a best friend, a lover, a secret lover (!), a diary for the masses, and the best man for the job, whatever that may be. I am also a hopeful romantic. Yes, you read that right. I am still full of hope that one day, I will find a woman who is just as into me as I am into her. I am a writer; I write what I feel, I pen what I see, I note what I hear. My mind is pretty complex; one person told me that my mind was like my own beautiful universe. I have a knack of always showing you exactly where I live, but never inviting you in. I am a confident, witty, and sarcastic person. I am unique. I am also a non-conformist conforming to non-conforming. I love that phrase. But enough about me.

This... this is something new. I'm pretty much writing how I feel at the moment. Breaking it down to a basic notion, I am falling for a friend. It's hard to not cross the line with the opposite sex, it's even harder when you both feel the same way for each other. We had a falling out because of past events and this represents my heart's emotions: the fire in my heart tells the story, my mind translates it into vocal form, my mouth speaks it, my actions show it. My love for her is indescribable. I am simply the interpreter. Here is what my heart has to say:

Wishing I was who you wanted me to be
Because I need you, like I hoped you needed me
But alas, one of the things I learned is
that nothing is set in stone, so in turn
I tried to turn away from you, from myself, from our feelings
And I said our, because they were our feelings
built up and put together during our dealings
I'm sorry, but I need to be really revealing
About how much I care for you, and yes I talk about you
Because I'm so proud of you, and never did I doubt you
But our past is like Jason, always tracking us down
No matter how fast we run, it's always around
So, if we're heartbroken right now, and it's in the picture
Imagine what will happen the moment our hearts become richer
And I'm willing to fight the past right now in the present
to preserve out future, to make things pleasant
But I need you to fight with me, let's stop the blame game
Let's admit to each other our love is one and the same
I'm holding out my hand, I'm not asking for nothing
Place your hand in mine, let's make US something
No titles, no expectations, no boxes, no cramped hallways
Just what we deserve; a person in our corner forever and always
I could go on and on and have a 50 page list too.
But I guess all I'm trying to say is I miss you.

Thank you for reading.




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