Sunday, November 23

And Nikki says...

What is love? People try to define it, or doubt or ridicule whether others are really "in it". Well, Nikki (that's what I call her, we have an imaginary friendship in my head, don't judge me...) described love, what is love to you?

Love Is

Some people forget that love is
tucking you in and kissing you
"Good night"
no matter how young or old you are

Some people don't remember that
love is
listening and laughing and asking
no matter what your age

Few recognize that love is
commitment, responsibility
no fun at all

Love is
You and me

-Nikki Giovanni


The Pretty Brown Girl on November 24, 2008 at 4:27 AM said...

Awwww...this is why Nikki Giovanni will always be one of my favorite people/women/writers/etc.

Thanks for this post. ;)

NaturallyAlise on November 24, 2008 at 7:52 AM said...

you are welcome, you know me and nikki be hanging out on weekends, lol....

brwn_eyes_brwngirl on November 24, 2008 at 9:14 PM said...

I always like that poem...and it rocks when you feel that way and are in a loving kind of mood...I am lately..

NaturallyAlise on November 24, 2008 at 9:25 PM said...

@ brwn eyes: poetry, especially nikki g love poems really are so sweet when you have someone in mind, you are so right.... enjoy your mood, i know i am enjoying mine :) ....



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