Saturday, November 1


«Mes chers frères, n'oubliez jamais, quand vous entendrez vanter le progrès des lumières, que la plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas!» -Baudelaire
"My dear brothers, never forget, when you hear the progress of enlightenment vaunted, that the devil's best trick is to persuade you that he doesn't exist!"

halloween.... good times, kinda. let's just say it was an interesting evening, i'll tell you guys the story when i get over it, but until then enjoy these pics...

* a voodoo priestess, fidel castro, and the devil walk into a bar....

*speak of the devil and she will appear..... (lookin' for me? HERE I GO (c) mystikal)

* a backshot, classy!

*bff's fo sho...




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