Sunday, November 2

"Ode to the Judged"

originally posted 2/12/07
This is something I wrote in response to My buddy Tiha's rant about people judging you before you can get 5 damn words out your mouth, so this is for you miss lady and for all those other folks feeling the same way, because I know I damn sure can relate.... ENJOY.....

"Ode to the Judged"

I am tired of your broad generalizations,
Because you are generalizing about a broad you have no idea about.
Your blanket statements regarding me don't keep me warm,
in fact they got me cold,
but don't call me an ice queen,
unless you are referring to how my brilliance is like diamonds.
Don't make opinions about my stand,
unless you sit and listen.
Not hear me, but listen
I will lay out my platform for you,
but only if you hop off that pedastal,
Return the favor,
What I have to say may not be in your favor,
But shit happens, even my favorite people don't agree
Only difference is it is constructive criticism,
Instead of destructive division of squabbling over differences,
Those things that differ add a little color to life,
Realize everything ain't black or white,
it's the gray that keeps it interesting.
So examine my subtle shades and hues,
Before you lump me in with all those other primary colors...


eysqueen on November 3, 2008 at 4:54 AM said...

these bitches aint ready son



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