Monday, November 10

Food for thought....

^^^^This video makes me happy^^^^

Please enjoy the poem I penned as well:

Food For Thought...

So you want to know what I can bring to the table
But can your TV tray hold this food for thought?
Because you need to know:
Every word I speak is nourishment…
No empty calories..
No fillers…
No artificial preservatives…
Just organic truth…
You are what you eat…
And I would feed you a helping of insight…
Some complex verbal-hydrates…
To give you the energy to burn off that excess negativity.
And I do give to the needy…
But only the ones that hungry enough to receive it.
My cup runs over with compassion,
But I will offer no pity birthday party cake…..
I don't fill your heart with greasy, grimy thoughtless ramblings…
I take the time to wash what I say…
Let my thoughts cook fully..
And offer you up a gourmet conversation…. Let you digest every course.
I start with some soup to warm your soul…
Then let you savor the meaty knowledge I have to offer.
A little wine and cheese to mellow out your mood,
And a something a little sweet to inspire and lift your spirits…
But of course everything in moderation….
I won't overfeed you with superfluous chatter,
Or stuff you with nonsensical ranting.
In fact I'll give just enough words to fill you up….
Leave a good taste in your mouth,
And you will eagerly anticipate the next meal…
So are you ready to taste my world?


Dean_With_A_D on December 2, 2008 at 5:29 AM said...

Your poetry is so powerful and moving, I truly envy the talent you have to make words come to life. I would love to follow your blog if you don't mind, I am a lover of words...



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