Friday, November 28


I have been doing some self discovery as of late, maybe because 30 is slowly creeping or maybe because I am crazy. Probably a combination of the two. One of the things I discovered about myself is that I am a grudge-holder. Yet, I don't mean grudges against other people. I hold grudges against myself, or should I say my former self. I have thought and done some things in my life that I can not forgive myself for. I know that I am different now with higher expectations for myself, but still I can't forgive. I have forgiven all the people who have hurt me emotionally and physically though the years, but not me. People always teach you to forgive others, but how do you forgive yourself?


eysqueen on December 1, 2008 at 5:29 AM said...

forgiving yourself is like the same process you use when you forgive yourself for wearing a horrible hairstyle (80s-90s). you were doing what you thought was hot, but you realize the error of your ways and move on. no need to keep looking at them are a better hairstylist now ;)

NaturallyAlise on December 1, 2008 at 6:36 AM said...

That is the most awesome response ever, bc you know I can relate to hair metaphors. :-) :-) :-)



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