Friday, November 14

Pitiful Pictorial of Pain

*Laptop dead (along with a piece of my soul)... le sigh...

*Lonely and missing a certain person more than I thought I would, le sigh...

*Exhausted but cannot sleep, sleeping alone sucks... le sigh...

*Silver lining: Pain/sadness/frustration brings a lot of inspiration for writing and I am taking advantage...


The Pretty Brown Girl on November 15, 2008 at 4:46 AM said...

Aye! Alise, I'm sending you hugs n' love. I'm glad you saw the silver lining in it all. Now have silver lining flow beautifully from your pen.

suga on November 15, 2008 at 5:11 PM said...

I am going to have to christen you my North Cah'lina twin cuz we sho is going through the same thing. Laptop destroyed, pining over my boo *pout*, too distracted to lay my arse down somewhere.

Sheesh...when will it end? lol

NaturallyAlise on November 16, 2008 at 5:44 PM said...

Thanks for the hugs pbg... can always use those...

Suga, sometmes when i read your blogs i wonder are we living paralell lives on opposite coasts, somtimes so eerily similar that it is scray, lol



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