Saturday, February 28

quarter life crisis

i miss someone.
that i've never met.
...doesn't exist.
...i'm pressured to know.
someone i thought,
i never wanted to know...
not in the position to know...
but i've heard folks say,
you're never in the position to know.
someone i've dreamed to know...
in my nightmares and daydreams..
that my mama secretly
(but not so secretly)
wants me to know.
but hey, what do i know?

Thursday, February 26

Happy Badu Day! & Link Love

If you know me, then you will know how much me and my E-Posse stan for Erykah Badu! Today's her birthday, I will celebrate by posting my favorite Erykah song... enjoy

"I Want You"

Link Love:

Another post E-Posse post and string of comments dedicated to E. Badu: Ho Shit

Also check out my interview and feature at AIN HD: Honorable Discourse

Check out my favorite blog in the world (but I am biased, lol): Cubicle Crusaders and check out a slept on post Poker and the decision making process.

And E-Posse member, PBG's new nail polish blog: 52 Flavors , it is very dope

And just for good measure, I guess, *side-eye* go check out Luvvie's blog: Awesomely Luvvie for lots of laughter and ignance...

Tuesday, February 24

Ode to the Judged

old piece, that i really need to show to a few folks for real, ugh....

"Ode to the Judged"

I am tired of your broad generalizations,
Because you are generalizing about a broad you have no idea about.
Your blanket statements regarding me don't keep me warm,
in fact they got me cold,
but don't call me an ice queen,
unless you are referring to how my brilliance is like diamonds.
Don't make opinions about my stand,
unless you sit and listen.
Not hear me, but listen
I will lay out my platform for you,
but only if you hop off that pedastal,
Return the favor,
What I have to say may not be in your favor,
But shit happens, even my favorite people don't agree
Only difference is it is constructive criticism,
Instead of destructive division of squabbling over differences,
Those things that differ add a little color to life,
Realize everything ain't black or white,
it's the gray that keeps it interesting.
So examine my subtle shades and hues,
Before you lump me in with all those other primary colors...

Monday, February 23

Blog Poetry Slam 6: Fear

Guess what today is???? The Blog Poetry Slam!!! (The crowd goes wild...) Everyone is welcome to participate. Only rules are:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word
Relates to the picture

Isn't that simple! After the word and picture will be my poem for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


*I wrote this poem in December, I performed it Monday night so thought it would be appropriate for the Slam.....

scary @ me©

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if my alliterations ain't good enough
will i regret risking rejection
or punish myself for punking out on this poetic process.

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i have to change my style
you know I don't be rhyming
and at times I'm off with my timing
is this poem worth all the climbing
out of my comfort zone?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
I don't want to look like an oxymoron
because at times I am clearly misunderstood
and then things can get pretty ugly...

can you hand me your heart a pen?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i get a preposition that i can't refuse
in my heart
opposite my head
beside my pride
outside my control.....

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
i don't want to crash
or get caught speeding
or change lanes too fast
and have my creative license revoked

but i think
i wanna write a love blog
but i am afraid
what if no one reads it
and doesn't subscribe to my feelings
and makes no comments
after i put my heart into it


Sunday, February 22

Naturally Alise vs. Mr. Jolla: Part 2

So the battle still raged on........

This was Suga's opinion of the shenanigans thus far:
nakiasmile: @naturallyalise and @mR_Jolla you guys are ridiculously entertaining lol

Let's get ready to rumble!!!

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise you couldn't throw a tantrum if u were the neglected middle child of a 19 kid family starved for attention.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla You couldn't throwback if you wore an Abdul-Jabbar jersey listening to the first Fabolous CD.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise you couldn't throw shade standing next to a homosexual midget...High Noon in a Phoenix Desert.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla wow, ether....You couldn't throw the ass if you were a drunken hot video vixen at All-Star Weekend with Adina Howard on your ipod.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise couldn't throw around your weight if you were Oprah wrestling anorexics while lugging a bag full of cocaine.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla You couldn't throw you hands up if you were a quitter listening to Hip Hop Hooray.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise you couldn't throw a house party with the keys to Diddy's house, Chris Reid MCing and a built in crowd of folks on X.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla You couldn't throw caution to the wind if you were Evil Knievel on Jackass in Chicago.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise you couldn't throw a beat on if you were DJ Clue jacking off to a life sized poster of Chris Brown kicking Rihanna's ass.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla You wouldn't throw me for a loop if you on a Merry Go Round while beating around the bush speaking Latin all while Hula Hooping.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise you wouldn't throw away garbage if you were Peyton Manning with your left hand in your pocket standing in a landfill.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla LMAO!!!!! you wouldn't throw a pass if you were Steve Nash holding a hot potato.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise LOL you wouldn't throw hands if you were Floyd Mayweather playing high stakes Poker with a fist full of shitty cards.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla u are so stupid...You wouldn't throw a monkey wrench into my plans if you were wearing Bob Vila's tool belt holding my Day Planner

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise couldn't throw your back out if you thought twice about a dare while carrying a one ton box with no back brace.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla you wouldn't be a stone's throw away from me if you were Roger Clemens with a fistful of pebbles in my vicinity.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise you wouldn't throw signs if you were a Gangster Disciple Deaf-Mute.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla i hate you. you wouldn't me under the bus if you were a baggage handler at Greyhound.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise You wouldn't throw your life away if you jumped into a tank full of sharks prodding them with a stick while wearing blood.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla so... you wouldn't throw you life away if you were Amy Winehouse at a crackhead convention at the City Dump.

Thursday, February 19

Naturally Alise vs. Mr Jolla - Part 1

You have seen the epic battles between 1/3 of my e-posse Luvvie, we go in for sure. And somehow I got tangled in a battle of epic proportions with a fella by the name of Mr. Jolla (check out his blog, hotness for sure). As you may know by now I am a bit of a Twitter addict, okay, fiend would be more correct. That is where our battle began, we battled for 4 days, so I'll have to break this up in installments. This is Part 1 of the ridiculousness.... (Warning: Foolishness abounds)

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla how about a spork fight?

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise I'm bringing napkins to a papertowel fight....

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla Man, you wouldn't throw a seasoning packet in a Ramen fight.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise you wouldn't throw rice at a wedding.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla you wouldn't throw your voice to a ventriloquist dummy.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise you wouldn't throw your back out trying to give Bruce Bruce a piggyback ride.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla You wouldn't throw a tantrum if someone stole your bike (but you would cry when you got in the car) :)

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise wouldn't throw salt over your shoulder after knocking over the Morton's girl accidentally on a rainy day.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise and furthermore (gotta throw 1 more in before work) you wouldn't throw a peace sign at a 'Stop the Violence' rally. =0)

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla You wouldn't throw a bow at a Ludacris listening party.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise you wouldn't throw up after drinking 93 octane gasoline.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla You couldn't throw in the towel if you were losing at the laundromat

Monday, February 16

Blog Poetry Slam 5: Think

Hello my fellow poets and lovers of poetry! Today is Tuesday so of course it is time for the Blog Poetry Slam. Everyone is welcome to participate. Only rules are:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. Write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word
Relates to the picture

Isn't that simple! After the word and picture will be my poem for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


*this example is a new piece, but I'll still write another in the comments*

Thinking Too Much

Trillions of thoughts through this troubled tunnel
...from sadness silliness some kinda way somber
............ to satisfaction in a matter of seconds
Synapses firing too quick....
I think I'm burned out...

Sunday, February 15

Happy Birthday GOODeness

Wanted to send birthday wishes to a poet who always sends me emails that make me feel like the greatest poet & person in the world. She inspires me and didn't even know it. Check out her blog too:

I wrote her a birthday haiku:

On this special day
A GOOD one arrived on Earth
But I call her great

Happy Birthday girl!

Friday, February 13

Tangibly Yours

One of my favorite poems:

Tangibly Yours

Dear You,

I appoint your hands to be poet laureate of my pleasure
Your palms have a penchant for pretty purring places....
Possessing the precision to palm my posterior perfectly
Without pause pinpointing the position to provide plentiful passion
Pardoning ecstasy from prudish prisons
Rewarded with praises of pouring potions....

I'm amazed at appendages administering attitude adjustments....
Multi-tasking hands that manipulate moods.....
Manual motivation is a motherf…
Transcendent touches that tempt transgressions told only in Tantric texts…......
Expert extremities excavating erogenous....

Funny how five fingers can flip frowns
...... and hold tight to fragile flower frames never fracturing the foliage
.....and find flows... forging through fortresses of fear to open floodgates....
........devising devilish deeds to leave me drowning
diligent digits delivering doses of delight ,
I digress. ....

Tangibly Yours,

~naturally alise 2008~

Monday, February 9

Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam 4: Hair

Hey everyone! First off I want to thank everyone that participated in last week's slam, it was very fun and the submissions were great. I love reading poetry as much as I love writing it. This week I hope for even more lovely poems to read. To tell you the rules for newcomers: I will present a word/theme AND picture. Write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word/theme
Relates to the picture

Isn't that simple! After the word and picture will be my poem for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


My thoughts are nappy,
Yeah, at times hard to manage,
But they are natural.
Always on the move, no time for relaxing...
Coils that intertwine, each strand unique.
Refusing to be straightened.
Thick and stubborn, yet soft and beautiful.
Not clouded with multiple chemicals....
Able to go through brainstorms without dodging the drops......

Your turn!

Thursday, February 5

Tongue Twisted.....

Enjoy .......

Can I show you some sexy, soft, sensual, soul satisfying alliterations

Rolling off my tongue sending sweet salacious sensations,

Steadily stroking, sipping, and sucking,

Slipping slowly across sweaty satin sheets.

Can I delight you with some desirous alliteration

Rolling off my tongue delivering divine dictations..

Dining on your delectable, delicious delicacies,

Can I lead you to some luscious ,lascivious, lustful alliteration

Rolling off my tongue lifting limitations.

Licking lightly, livening libido, letting loose

Longing to live lewd and licentious,

Can I capture you with some charismatic, charming, confident alliteration?

Rolling off my tongue commanding your concentration

Craving to consume your carnal candy.

conspiring to catch, converge , and come......

Can I procure you with some potent, powerful, pleasing alliteration?

Rolling off my tongue pleading for your penetration.

Passionate pulsation producing perspiration,

Plotting to possess your precious prize....

Can I take you with some tantalizing, tempting alliterations,

Rolling off my tongue for your titillation,

Taking time to tease and taste

Treating you with the treasure of a tongue twister ........

Wednesday, February 4

Word Affairs - Part 1: Inspired by Luvvie.... go figure.

A late night chat with Luvvie just sparked another poem fragment/series

luvvie: i found an app on facebook for all us nerds
u'll love it
me: oooo
what it is?
luvvie: its called "word challenge"
me: you've got my attention
words are my friends
luvvie: its like text twist
sent u invite
me: oooh, i just got a poem idea
luvvie: ooo what is it
me: just about my illicit affair with words

vocabulary ho-shit every night...
secretly wanting to stop the games
no matter how hard we poeTRY to be just friends.
me and words are friends with benefits
in a situationship.

(to be continued........)

Monday, February 2

Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam 3: Sound

Y'all know what to do, today's word/concept to spit a hot poem about is:


My 1st poem & example:

Please hear me out...
If my heart breaks
but you're not here
does it make a sound?


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