Monday, February 2

Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam 3: Sound

Y'all know what to do, today's word/concept to spit a hot poem about is:


My 1st poem & example:

Please hear me out...
If my heart breaks
but you're not here
does it make a sound?


GOODENess on February 2, 2009 at 10:09 PM said...

I think of him and smile...the way he sees me... leaves me beam-ing...sing-ing...for him...I hope he hears my sounds like a kiss...

The Pretty Brown Girl on February 3, 2009 at 4:14 AM said...

I hear my future pouring down on me
I feel the loudness of new
Whispers of anxiety sneak up
Bravery roars
Courage bellows....

I pick up my keys, jingle-jangle.
I slam the door on the way out.
I sing a song of success as
I walk into the day.

Phat Gurl Love on February 3, 2009 at 4:56 AM said...

That tickles. What? That sound. Your voice beats against my

eardrum softly as you whisper in my ear. Causing a melody in

my heart. When I first heard your voice, I wondered of course

if you were the one for me. But the strength and confidence

in your voice caused the inflection in my voice to change. I

went from where are you from to where I wanna be, when you

spoke those soft, sensual words to me. Teasing my earlobe

with your tongue, girls just wanna have fun. I hear what your

saying, you're talking about laying up with me? Hmph we'll

see, you were sounding intelligent at first using those big

words to beat softly against my eardrum...but you know what?

I ain't getting none.

Dean_With_A_D on February 3, 2009 at 6:24 AM said...

Such soft words
Silently sung to oneself
Reverberating rather loudly
Piercing through
Punishing within
Showering in sounds unheard
Washing away the pain
Wishing in new hope
To share these silent feelings

Mr. Smart Guy on February 3, 2009 at 7:17 AM said...

melodic moans
move me toward
your mocha melanin
tasting the essence
of where you end
and heaven begins

if you were a song
i'd call you
sweet almond cocoa brown
turn you up
adjust your dials
so that everyone
could hear your sound

NaturallyAlise on February 3, 2009 at 9:13 AM said...

here i go again:


the silence of your absence
is deafening.

eysqueen on February 3, 2009 at 9:27 AM said...

If I beat you down in a corner cube
away from prying ears because the whole floor got the pink slip
will your cryz for mercy be heard?
will your please for an end
appease my need for revenge?
did you hear the sound of my dream deferred?
what did it sound like?
a tire slowly deflating
or did it sound like a thousand screams from souls unemancipated?
did you take notice when I made my case heard
or did the sound of justice make your eardrums hurt?
well I don’t care about your screams now
and I don’t care if you are heard
because now, in the corner cube, on the floor with no workers
your sounds can not be heard and there are no need for words…

NaturallyAlise on February 4, 2009 at 7:03 PM said...

The Pretty Brown Girl, jsut wanted to let you know your poem inspired me today......

King James said...

Peace and blessings from King James

GOODness, I really like that. Short and sweet.
PBG... that IS inspiring! Had to read it a few times.
Smart Guy... i wanna read to that my girl! whoever she is..
Queen.. i'm scared! good one.
Dean.. I'm all for the new hope!
Thanks folks for sharing... esp u A

Here I go...
she's silent this week
back turned during nights
got me wishing
i were not wrong when right
cuz right aint right
..with wrong intentions
just active wronging
me full of active longing
of old times
foundation too week
and now she silent for two weeks
how you going to 'speak'
2 ME?
that aint saying nothing
and I hear is ...


Naturally Sarcastic said...

I am not talking to you...
so please shut up now.

Seriously, why are even directing
your wasted verbal attack on my sensibilities?

Like for tho, I'm not even trying to hear that nonsense.

See, this is why I hate when y'all talk, you hardly agree...EVER!

words from the mind travelling the same road south,
while thoughts from the heart travel north...

all getting lost in conversation and listening.

p.s. I think that "bucker" being my verification word, is hilarious. Bucker is my new official favorite word of the minute.



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