Monday, February 16

Blog Poetry Slam 5: Think

Hello my fellow poets and lovers of poetry! Today is Tuesday so of course it is time for the Blog Poetry Slam. Everyone is welcome to participate. Only rules are:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. Write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word
Relates to the picture

Isn't that simple! After the word and picture will be my poem for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


*this example is a new piece, but I'll still write another in the comments*

Thinking Too Much

Trillions of thoughts through this troubled tunnel
...from sadness silliness some kinda way somber
............ to satisfaction in a matter of seconds
Synapses firing too quick....
I think I'm burned out...


Dean_With_A_D on February 17, 2009 at 12:56 AM said...

I toil daily with an inner struggle to find myself
Sitting all alone inside this bubble of strife
Searching, seeking, looking
And never quite finding
Exactly what it is I am looking for
I search, I run, and I search some more
Yet all day long here I sit wondering if life is passing me by
Flying by with such ferocity my mind is twisted
In a confused state of mind I look behind
And realize I am far too gone from the group
Search and rescue could never find me
As I toil with an inner struggle to find myself daily

eysqueen on February 17, 2009 at 4:47 AM said...


I think I know what happened
I think I know what to do
I think I have a solution
I’ve thought it through and through
I’ve thought so much
and analyzed what to say
that time has finally slipped away
and the moment has passed
the issue has festered
I’m immobilized in thought’s grasp
wasted thoughts on thinking
thinking away my time is sinking
I can think enough to know what to do
but can I act at all to follow through?

Phat Gurl Love on February 17, 2009 at 6:01 AM said...

Thinking too much....

Open spaces occupied by thoughts of you.
Thinking of how we used to be.
Thinking it was me for you and you for me.
When two becomes one, baby makes 3.
Thinking of loving you in spite of all my fears.
Thinking if you cared if I shed a few tears.
Thinking of how quickly things can change.
Thinking of how quickly we try to blame. Others.
Thinking of how we lost touch.
Thinking about leaving.
Hell, I'm already grieving, losing site of my vision, because of this division in us.
It has caused another line in my mind thinking of this all the time. Making me blind...losing track of time. Crying out why?
It isn't important you see, while you were too busy thinking all of this, I was thinking about me.

NaturallyAlise on February 17, 2009 at 6:11 AM said...

Mmmmmm loving these so far... here is something:

still thinking too much
and i realize
what is good for you
ain't... always good for you
but it don't mean you shouldn't have it
what you need
aint... always needed
but you can want it anyways
what you say
aint always what you mean
but it doesn't mean don't say it
we'll figure it all out, ok?

GOODENess on February 17, 2009 at 6:37 AM said...

meeting my own gaze in the mirror trying to look into my eyes and discover why i might see the future when i look into urs

hoping to figure out why i set my alarm for 530am when i didn't doze off til 3am that day

just so i can kiss u through the phone before ur flight departs from VA

cuz I know the smallest acts of loving kindness make strong appeal when bound together

and seconds connect to minutes that create moments that form forevers

u smile at me and touch my hand and weeks seem to pass like hourglass sand

we kiss in January and when i open my eyes it's December

and i can't...remember what i was going to say to u just hold me and softly stroke my me that name u gave me just to show me u care...

u feel like home to me...

i relax into ur embrace, hand on ur face and look into ur eyes...then i know why...

sometimes i think i more than like you

sometimes i think u more than like me too...

then i think about what ur thinking, when u think about me...i think too much!

mentally straddling this fence,

paralyzed by our vibe that's so real and intense,

that I'm willing to gamble on u at my emotion's expense,

holding my breath in suspense,

until my feelings make sense...

hoping u will reach for my hand, so our first dance can commense, makes me pensive...

i feel myself becoming more sensitive to the little things...

the thoughtful way u always ask about my day...

or when tuck me in from miles away...

and how u always know what to do and what to say...

almost too good to be true, this experience is still new, but I think I want it and u...

Not waiting to exhale my lungs still contract and expand

Suddenly unsure of where I really stand,

technically, I'm not woman and ur not my man...

but some nights we laid in bed making imaginary life plans...

I enjoy u and as my affection for u grows, I find my SELF in ur hands...

so I turn my back to the mirror, close my eyes, contemplate and try to understand...think of u and smile...and then I know why...

sometimes I think I more than like u...sometimes I think u more than like me too...then I think about what ur thinking when u think about me...then i know what I think when I think about u...sometimes...I think... I love you...

(c) GOODENess 2009

The Pretty Brown Girl on February 17, 2009 at 7:50 AM said...

Hush, I say
Stop all that.
I'd like to rest right now.
Busy, busy, busy.
Tussling 24hrs of every 7days
Be still, just for a moment.
Tomorrow will be what it will
And yesterday has already been.
Right now, I'd just like quiet.
Sing later. Write later.
Savor moments some other time.
Busy, Busy, Busy.
I promise, you won't miss a thing.

She doesn't listen to me.
My mind has a mind of her own.

soulpoetrysiteblog on February 17, 2009 at 4:14 PM said...

Here is my contribution to the topic...


Hush, baby, hush.
The lull of the world will come.
Nascent dreams and fantasies
Open the door to freedom.

Hush, baby, hush.
Let the tears flow evenly
In the apex of your mind,
And feel the light through your spine.

Think upon those things
That make us human.
Think upon those words
That turn us against one another.
Think about those instants
When change soars into the sky,
When you feel limitless,
Impervious to sorrow.

So, next time you curse the world,
Remember that you are part of it.
Remember your significance
In the eyes of the beholder.

Then, and only then will you be able to think of beauty.

But, right now, hush,
And think upon those things.

(c)2009 Cendrine Marrouat

Fly11 on February 17, 2009 at 5:10 PM said...

It all begins, when, I gaze upon the clock with it's strong black hands and I wonder if you are thinking of me as I am thinking captivate my mind, sending me travelling through memories undefined, suspended in time between pause and rewind, flashbacks of legs intertwined throw themselves at me as if they were lifelines while sweat is holding us together as my thoughts weave webs around the dream of forever "you plus me" that I see when I gaze upon the clock with it's strong black hands and I wonder if you are thinking of me as I am thinking of...we

Naturally Sarcastic said...

I know I'm late, a chick has to work ya know!

But here's my contribution... right off the top of my don't be too harsh...


*What? No, no time.*
*Document this documentation.*
*Document this process.*
*Hey, I like this song, she sounds like faith.*
*I wonder what I missed on FAP?*
*Bartending is harder than it looks*
*Look busy*
*Check email again, that envelope is bothering me*

Too many thoughts running, running.
No time to stop, no time to slow
Free flowing, ever pouring, ever going...

*oooh, I'm thirsty*
*I do not like the rain*
*These shoes are a beast*
*I need to write in my own blog*
*Oh no this ain't! Can't be! This is my jam!!!*
*Man, what happened to good music*
*You side tracking get back to the poem/thingy*

Thinking... you know what...I may have ADD.

sabrina on February 18, 2009 at 8:24 PM said...

Keeping me up at night
Motivating me to
Be better
Than you, even if you don't know it
Haven't thought about it

Looking out a window dreaming
Of having you in my arms
Laying my head on your shoulder
Twisting my fingers on yours
Helping me to be
To you, even if you don't know it
Haven't thought about it

Drifting away to pray
Praising the Lord that
I can be a
To you, even if you don't know it
Haven't thought about it

.....I have



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