Monday, February 23

Blog Poetry Slam 6: Fear

Guess what today is???? The Blog Poetry Slam!!! (The crowd goes wild...) Everyone is welcome to participate. Only rules are:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word
Relates to the picture

Isn't that simple! After the word and picture will be my poem for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


*I wrote this poem in December, I performed it Monday night so thought it would be appropriate for the Slam.....

scary @ me©

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if my alliterations ain't good enough
will i regret risking rejection
or punish myself for punking out on this poetic process.

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i have to change my style
you know I don't be rhyming
and at times I'm off with my timing
is this poem worth all the climbing
out of my comfort zone?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
I don't want to look like an oxymoron
because at times I am clearly misunderstood
and then things can get pretty ugly...

can you hand me your heart a pen?

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
what if i get a preposition that i can't refuse
in my heart
opposite my head
beside my pride
outside my control.....

i wanna write a love poem
but i am afraid
i don't want to crash
or get caught speeding
or change lanes too fast
and have my creative license revoked

but i think
i wanna write a love blog
but i am afraid
what if no one reads it
and doesn't subscribe to my feelings
and makes no comments
after i put my heart into it



eysqueen on February 24, 2009 at 5:32 AM said...

I want to dream
but I’m afraid to achieve
what if I succeed
then who will I be?
I’ll be a victim no more
a dreamer past just dreaming
I’ll be an achiever short of nothing

I don’t want to fail
but I’m afraid to try
because if I lose
then what I think of me will be true
and who could I blame
if its me holding back me?

I want to love
but I’m afraid to let go
will I be caught?
or will I just free fall

I don’t want to be alone
but I’m afraid to connect
I trust no one
not even myself
to be true

I want to live
and I’m afraid to die
but why ask why
dammit I need to just try…

Naturally Sarcastic said...

Fear the Rath of the McNugget!

You know what thing! Yes I said Thing b/c you obviously mistakenly thought you were a woman!
If you don't like serving people mediocre excuses for bacon,
pre-mixed egg product and guberment cheese, then find another job!

Oh don't act like you ain't afraid! You should be!
All 5 ft of my frame is bout to stick a good 1/4 of it up ya arse and another 1/4 down ya throat!

You need to fear the rath of my bite b/c the bark don't last long! I'll have you cowering in the corner like the lil scary tranny you are!

ALL I asked for was a BEC biscuit and an OJ...HOW HARD IS THAT? Are you afraid you'll get fired for getting something right at this backwards arse establishment!

Ba da, dat dat daaaaaa.... How you luv dat!

Nola.Divine on February 24, 2009 at 9:45 AM said...

Every time you left me,
And then dared to

The Pretty Brown Girl on February 24, 2009 at 10:02 AM said...

I do not know from whence
The next $$ will come
Dwindling in a far away place
That has become closer as of late
I thought that was all over

4 eyes on 2 faces
Round and expectant
Justifiably so
They shouldn't have to

I need a revolution
Breathing hard, running
Hoarding, hiding and
Fearfully holding on.

I though that was all over.

Panicky wisps of reality
Eyes wide shut in rusty knee'd prayer
Sweaty palms clasped together
Faithfully screaming out to The Lord,
Throwing desperate tantrums at the feet of My Father,needing to cash in on The Promise...

Everyday, I'm hustlin'...

But still, I am afraid.

overit said...

I pitched this tent
to run
and hide
I can unzip it
but what's outside?

lol, i need to think.

Yonna on February 24, 2009 at 1:02 PM said...

im scared
of things i dont know
and change
and yes, i can admit it
i wont eat anything if i dont know what it is
or was
and no, im not closedminded
its just how i'm is
im afraid of things unfamiliar to me
because they may cause me to change what i already know to be
and that aint cool in my book
wont happen
i didnt ask for it to be this way
it just is
and i'm aint open enough to take that risk
because risk is too risky
you know?
so bring me the old stand by
i will eat plain fried yard bird for the rest of my life
because all that mess they do on top chef would kill all my moods
just bring it to me country like...
old fashioned
forget all the new fangled mess,
cuz im afraid of all that

NaturallyAlise on February 24, 2009 at 1:14 PM said...

Hey y'all! I am just like in awe of all the great entries today, Muah! (I love reading & hearing poetry more than I actually like to write it... crazy ain't it???)

S A V V Y Fatty!...uhhh...DUH! on February 24, 2009 at 3:41 PM said...

"If You Can't Achieve It...
But...where's the store for "Courage?"
For personal unfulfilled sustenance
For paltry petals of trepidation

Luvvie on February 24, 2009 at 4:59 PM said...

First, I'd like to say this is one of my fave poems that u've written.

There once was a chick named Whoopi
Who didn't give a care what like she looktie
She went to the Oscars
In the skin by a cheetah
And I almost died of anxiety

Thank You


GOODENess on February 24, 2009 at 10:17 PM said...

Like a cruel joke, I choked as my favorite man spoke...hurtful words, as I heard what he was saying, I felt myself praying, that I was dreaming...nightmaring...listening to him sharing, his feelings for someone other than me...I bit my lip and sat in silence...tears in his voice about his painful choice, my cheeks growing moist, due to eyes leaking from the sting of rejection...feeling stupid for abandoning my fear of falling for someone too far away to catch me...can't detach me, from the woman I am...I only know one way to BE...and my fear was legit, he just wasn't that into me...

VerbFashion on March 1, 2009 at 7:35 PM said...

today is so yesterday
though my clothes and shoes
are all new

my attitude, my hair style
even the words i use
are all new

tomorrow is so today
yesterday you were you, today YOU
are all new

**new reader, i dig. you're dope. you're added.

NaturallyAlise on March 3, 2009 at 9:47 PM said...

Thanks for joining the Tuesday Poetry Crew VerbFashion... you are a dope poet yourself, surrounded by a bunch more awesome writers... WELCOME

Maxine on May 6, 2009 at 4:46 PM said...

slick wet sweat
& a pulse in the vein
& the skittering skip
of a heartbeat

rush of the blood
& a white wide eye
cushioned in
a coal black skin



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