Monday, February 9

Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam 4: Hair

Hey everyone! First off I want to thank everyone that participated in last week's slam, it was very fun and the submissions were great. I love reading poetry as much as I love writing it. This week I hope for even more lovely poems to read. To tell you the rules for newcomers: I will present a word/theme AND picture. Write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word/theme
Relates to the picture

Isn't that simple! After the word and picture will be my poem for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


My thoughts are nappy,
Yeah, at times hard to manage,
But they are natural.
Always on the move, no time for relaxing...
Coils that intertwine, each strand unique.
Refusing to be straightened.
Thick and stubborn, yet soft and beautiful.
Not clouded with multiple chemicals....
Able to go through brainstorms without dodging the drops......

Your turn!


Dean_With_A_D on February 10, 2009 at 6:04 AM said...

This one goes out to my wifey! LMAO

That thing on top of your head
The one you threw at my boy the other day
That tangled contraption
Flying through the air
Twisting and turning
Gripping him in fear
Freezing him in silence
Wishing it would disappear
Before that ordeal
I thought it was real
Knew it was real
I guess I was wrong about your…hair?

Phat Gurl Love on February 10, 2009 at 7:09 AM said...

You like touching it. Your curiosity amazes me. You're winding the soft coils around your fingers lazily. Yes it's all mine. Every last bit.It can be tamed. You just have to be patient with it. Be patient with me. It's as natural as can be. No chemical needed to define me. African beauty you want to be me. But you're addicted to that creamy crack. Don't you know crack is wack? The same goes for black don't crack. Stop touching my hair and get your own. One day your hair will be long and nappy. Trust me you'll be happy. No more long hours at the salon, wishing you were gone to do something else with someone else. I'm sorry for you what you do. Go get that hair done. Hurry up, run! You better get there early you know they don't be playing. Oh I forgot to mention, it's supposed to be raining. It won't affect me. It will affect you, however...I can enjoy my day outside no matter the weather. I'm sorry, I'm bragging much will you be payin? I don't miss that for the world. I'll continue to rock my bold nappy curls.

oNe mAn gAng on February 10, 2009 at 11:16 AM said...

I understand the logic behind it
It's an easy, quick fix to a problem
and I may be taking this too far but-
how would you feel if I wore a synthetic mask?
That made me look like Denzel or whoever
and wore it long enough to fool you into 'forever'
to only peel that shit back the day after marriage
to reveal my Confessions of Fire after riding Horse n Carriage?

Betrayed? Humiliated? Didn't get what you paid for?
Neither. Did. I.
Here I was, thinking your scalp birthed my hand's obsession...
I mean, I'm not talking about your ass right now-your hair
and something didn't seem right...too perfect, too rare
Then I saw the pack...Silky Weave 27?
What in the HELL made you play with my visual Heaven?
What is there to hide? Why be so ashamed?
You should be proud of who you are, all throughout
I'll take you as you are, I don't have any doubts...
Take that out...
Uh...put your weave back in...PLEASE.

Luvvie on February 10, 2009 at 11:40 AM said...

*dims lights*
*puts on beret and black turtleneck*
*Gets bongo*

Yaki 58...
Aint gon be my mate
Natural coils
From that African soil

Ain't got no receipt
For me to keep
To show its mine

Short hair dont care
Long hair elicits glares
Call me baldhead scallywag
And get kicked in the gonad

Equines in Detroit
Feel threatened by me not
To steal their luscious tails

Thank you!

*takes dramatic bow*

People: WTF was that??
Me: Art. Hi haters!


Crown R0yal on February 10, 2009 at 2:31 PM said...

Dear Hairhat,

You are currently twisted
Dazed and confused
Obviously, I missed it
That memo that mused..
"Hmmm...maybe you should cut me"

I wrap you every night
And shake you every day
Your unruliness is my plight
Something akin to ... hay.

Hairhat, I vowed to love you
when I started this journey long ago
I vowed to never neglect you
And to always let my soul glo...w.

Hairhattigan, I'm writing to beg you
To see if you'll do me this solid
Will you please move out of my face?
You're starting to irritate my eyelid.

Emolliently yours, Crownie.

sabrina on February 13, 2009 at 7:14 PM said...

"Ouch Mama, stop!"
"Then quit squirming and I won't burn your ear..."
The smell of burning hair fills the kitchen
While I sit in the chair and get fried up for Sunday
Feeling like a chicken with all the grease
Just so my hair could be straight
After years, Mom decides to give me a relaxer
Great! Now the next fun ride begins
"Mama, my head itches" "Don't scratch, you'll burn tomorrow"
Scabs in scalp with matted hair attached
Relaxer itch
Broken ends
Finally decides to let the straight hair go
See what actually grows
Impressed by my "new" hair
It's just me

Naturally Sarcastic said...

To my dearest and most longstanding hair!

Oh how I hated thee, let me count the ways.

From the jheri curl my momma forced upon me,
to the perm that later stripped me of my overly moisturized follicles.
To the Cleopatra "dookie" braids forced upon me by my "hairstylist", aka, the lady I babysat for.
To the long summers in Louisiana heat, to the massive amounts left in my brush.

For the love of the hair flip and extra oomph in my step.
For the ease of the fingers to glide and slide.

Hair you have framed and shaped and accentuated and your dreadlocked, naturally beautiful glory.... I say.... thanks.

cuz today, you sho getting done and I don't wanna hear your mess!



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