Monday, March 30

Poetry Slam 11: Drugs...

Welcome to the 11th installment of Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam.... so the rules are the same as every week:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word or theme
Relates to one of the pictures

Isn't that simple!?!? After the word and picture will be an old poem of mine for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


high and low
does not equal
a confused heart
that just gives up.
love is a speedball.

drugs are bad.


Saturday, March 28


i can't stand this
but sitting...
won't solve it.
the guilt, it won't absolve it
inner struggle, it won't resolve it.
but a hug would help...

feeling this at this moment, and it semi-inspired the poem....

Tuesday, March 24

Blog Poetry Slam 10: Gravity

Welcome to the 10th installment of Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam.... so the rules are the same as every week:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word or theme
Relates to one of the pictures

Isn't that simple!?!? After the word and picture will be my poem for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


I just can't appreciate the gravity of your problems...
Gravity is about the only thing that should hold you down.
Gratification of the instant variety.....
Is about as satisfying as grits by the same name.
......Not a great breakfast,
When will you understand there are no fast breaks in life,
Instead you will break real fast....



Sunday, March 22

Twitter, Let's Go!!! Naturally Alise & Mr. Jolla

What's up folks? Today, we have another ignant installment of me and Mr. Jolla (of the blog, I Push Keys Like Weight...) acting the pure fool on Twitter. Today's victim: Diddy (he is @iamdiddy on twitter) and his overexcited, "Let's Go", hyper-twittering bitch ass. He is human crack in the flesh (no Juelz), in fact I think he is caffeine personified.... but anyway check us out...

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla Hey Jolla!!!

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise hey Alise!

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla "I live tweet by tweet, like you live check to check, if you don't reply my tweet, then I don't eat......"

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise LMAO...stop it. NOW.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla I can't stop, won't stop... eh eh , eh eh... Let's Go!!!!!!

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise this nigga @iamdiddy has more Energy than Keri Hilson singing in a Red Bull commercial taped in a solar panel studio.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla he got more bounce to the ounce than the ghost of Roger Troutman hauntng T-Pain for jacking his style & holding a dryer sheet.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise *heart palpitations* behind that last shit...LMAO I feel like Eddy Curry...

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise that nigga got more pep in his step than Catholic children at a Jacko Halloween party...and he's dressed as Father Michael.

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla well @iamdiddy is more excited than the Pointer Sisters in a Meth lab hidden in the back of a Starbucks, and I think they like it.

mR_Jolla: @naturallyalise I won't do this tango with you tonight,but you can dance with the star @iamdiddy. He shines so bright, he's technicolor. GAY

naturallyalise: @mR_Jolla lol, no doubt, his technicolor dream coat is a familiar shade of FAIL.... nicely danced my e-nephew...

Catch up on our other Twitter battles:

Saturday, March 21

poem, late night rant, randomness, i dunno?

high and low
does not equal
a confused heart
that just gives up.
love is a speedball.

drugs are bad.

Monday, March 16

Blog Poetry Slam 9: Shoes

Today's Blog Poetry Slam is in honor of my E-sister Luvvie and her obsession and in honor of the Red Pump Project, please check it out.... so the rules are the same as every week:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word or theme
Relates to one of the pictures

Isn't that simple!?!? After the word and picture will be my poem for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


from you.
as you walk away:
i feel.
the terror of toes trampling my....
stepping on souls.
shoes shuffling across sensibilities...
feet rapidly racing from


...your turn now!

Saturday, March 14

shape shifting...

So time for me
... to abandon the vicious cycles
.....and running in circles...
I am gonna run ....
in some new shapes,
fuck that.
I am multidimensional.
I'll run, walk, and glide in 3D,
run in dodecahedron
excel in this sphere....
no more running in circles
...that always ends in a cube....

Monday, March 9

Blog Poetry Slam 8: Fruit

Welcome to Blog Poetry Slam 8... It's Tuesday, my favorite blog day of the week, any excuse to gather poets together makes me smile for sure! Can't wait to see what you guys create today!

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word or theme
Relates to the picture

Isn't that simple!?!? After the word and picture will be my poem for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


Buried thinking of berries in my inbox...
Sweet nectar waiting to be unearthed from fertile pages.
Creative nutrients that joined with lifeless soil to reveal juicy goodness...
My chocolate kisses envelope strawberries offering a special treat
And playful, silly raspberries invoke smiles and giggles
Temporarily easing the bog of cranberry bitterness of this world that can't be chased away with vodka....

*Your Turn! *

Rock the Red Pump

Please head over to my e-sis Luvvie's cause she is helping spearhead.:

About the Red Pump Project

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is Tuesday, March 10th. It's a nationwide initiative to raise awareness of the increasing impact of HIV/AIDS on women & girls and encourages ladies to take action. While progress has definitely been made in the areas of AIDS prevention and treatment, women still represent 27% of all new AIDS diagnoses, with African-American women accounting for 66% of that group.

In observance of this day, Karyn of The Fabulous Giver and Luvvie of Awesomely Luvvie came up with the idea of The Red Pump Project. The concept is simple: Rock the Red Pump on your blog to represent the strength and courage of women fighting HIV/AIDS or affected by the disease both directly and indirectly. We ask that on that day (March 10th), you embed the Red Pump Widget within your post with a short snippet of its significance, or you can rock the widget on your sidebar for the day.

Besides, the Red Pump will add a touch of FIERCE to your already FABULOUS blogs! We want you to join The Red Pump Project and help spread awareness of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. To sign up to participate, please just reply to this email. If you sign up, I will send you instructions and the html code of the widget. Also, your blog will be linked on a post on my blog that will run on March 10th. For more information on National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, you can head on over to Here, you will be able to learn how the initiative started and look up any local events in your area! Your participation in this campaign would be GREATLY appreciated.

Luvvie & Karyn

Tuesday, March 3

Out of the mouths of babes.....

Ok, I would like to introduce to you an extension of my E-Posse family... she is the spawn of The PBG, blogger extraordinaire, we'll call her Tee for short, she is my best (and only) friend under 18, *teeee heeee*. She is an awesome 15-year old who never ceases to amaze me with her wittiness and intelligence, I wish I knew kids like her when I was in high school, but anyway this conversation that took place on facebook is in response to her mom's blog about her falling on the ice and that Tee laughed at her.

Tee: I didn't laugh @ my mama...that much.

Alise: suuuuuuuuure

Tee:I'm serious! I even gave her some of my hot chocolate...

Alise: uh huh

Tee: and...fruit roll ups! don't forget those

Tee: Alright...I'll fess up. I Laughed my head off when she was scraping ice off the car.

Tee: I know it was wrong! But Ikey chuckled too....

Alise: lol

Alise: terrible children, just terrible

Tee:Its okay, I'll cook dinner tonight or something.

Alise: its the least u can do Laughy McChuckleson

Guffaw McGigglebox

Chortle McHaha

Tee: LAWLZ. ok okay....whoo lawd. I have too many people like this in my life..My chucklemuscles are raw.

Alise: tee hee

Tee:You,Tiara,Shannon, own MAMA! Where is everybody getting the funny gene from? Is there some magical shot I need to take? It is time for me to go to the doctor...hrmm.

Alise:we just are all gravitating towards each other like a foolishness vortex

Tee: Wormhole of Ignace. Obama's probably got a secret plan formulated just for us and others like us....

Alise: Black Hole where nothing but common sense and refinement can escape

Tee:Watch your back Alise, I bet you they're probably rounding up Luvvie right now.... They'll be coming for us soon.

Alise: HA!

Tee: Crap. The FDTTCOIP is knocking @ my door.

Alise: please explain that acronym

Tee: Federal Department for The Capture of Ignant Peoples.

Tee: Alise, Ima track your facebook. If I dont see any activity tomorrow I know that they've got you. I'll round up my mommy and all my other ignant peoples so come spring you from the CIA's secret PFPWDHS.

Alise: i hate that i love u

Tee: [Place For People Who Dont Have Sense]

She is special, so very special.....

Monday, March 2

Blog Poetry Slam 7: Face

Welcome to Blog Poetry Slam 7... First off, I want to say thanks for everyone's participation and also say welcome to all the new readers! Basic Rules are:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word or theme
Relates to the picture

Isn't that simple!?!? After the word and picture will be my poem for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!

...... but that means you can write about eyes, lips, cheeks, fiveforeheads, ears, skin, etc...... (I chose lips)

You are definitely a smooth criminal, but I'm not telling....

Pillager of pecks and puckers

Marauder of magical mouth to mouth moments

Sweet stolen smooches.... lip to lip larceny

Kisses are the the best ill-gotten gain

....and require accomplices

Can I be your partner in crime?....


Sunday, March 1

silent treatment

the worst arguments are.

shouting with absence.
screaming with nothingness.
side eying emptiness.

...and pointless.


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