Saturday, March 14

shape shifting...

So time for me
... to abandon the vicious cycles
.....and running in circles...
I am gonna run ....
in some new shapes,
fuck that.
I am multidimensional.
I'll run, walk, and glide in 3D,
run in dodecahedron
excel in this sphere....
no more running in circles
...that always ends in a cube....


amymay on March 14, 2009 at 8:15 PM said...

In the dim streetlight gleam
sliding in my window I see...
what appears to be...
but no,

Now I'm thinking what I see is
something else, and me,
I stare a little more,
forcing focus,
and I see.....

The longer I look,
the less familiar,
less defined,
less real
and more in my mind

a watcher, a listener, a stranger, a friend in the room with me...
a shape in the chair
a figure by the door
and my brain reconfigures
a thousand times over
until I sleep....

and the shapes in my room
melt into the shapes in my dreams,
forgotten by morning
puzzling by night.

NaturallyAlise on March 16, 2009 at 8:37 PM said...

Girl, I love that... and your poem describes my state of mind for the past couple of months for real.... thanks so much for sharing that....

GOODENess on March 16, 2009 at 10:13 PM said...

the fact that you used dodecahedron in the proper context and PERFECTLY! makes me stan you even more...this type of mental infatuation is borderline unhealthy!

suga on March 18, 2009 at 9:13 PM said...

Loved it!



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