Monday, March 2

Blog Poetry Slam 7: Face

Welcome to Blog Poetry Slam 7... First off, I want to say thanks for everyone's participation and also say welcome to all the new readers! Basic Rules are:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word or theme
Relates to the picture

Isn't that simple!?!? After the word and picture will be my poem for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!

...... but that means you can write about eyes, lips, cheeks, fiveforeheads, ears, skin, etc...... (I chose lips)

You are definitely a smooth criminal, but I'm not telling....

Pillager of pecks and puckers

Marauder of magical mouth to mouth moments

Sweet stolen smooches.... lip to lip larceny

Kisses are the the best ill-gotten gain

....and require accomplices

Can I be your partner in crime?....



S A V V Y Fatty!...uhhh...DUH! on March 2, 2009 at 9:17 PM said...

You, you and your ILL AZZ troop
Wreaking havoc on the only thing I can brag about
Only thing I gotz swag about
Only thing I can get the math about
Yet you play me like Play-Doh
Maaaadd Pro-Activ is used to lose you and your crews
Yet you paint my "subways" like graffiti
For Clearasil, I'm mad needy
Yet for bronzer, I'm mad greedy

You don't own me
I Leslie Gore ya game
Then throw 99& alcohol on ya name
Ya Lame!
Yet, the more makeup I apply
I Clown
Like Bozo
I look alright; ehhh...So-So
But I'd be much better
If you took your 4-letters
To a teenage age summamabia
Instead of this 20-something
Cuz yo: I don't needja
So...Will you let up?
Never set-up?
Never come when I'm tryna sweat up
Never know who's at the Chateau
You and your pimp-hoes: JET UP!

Naturally Sarcastic said...

Did you find what you were looking for?

Staring into my eyes...

Did you see hope?
Did you see faith?
Did you see truth?

What did you see when you looked into my soul?

Did you see the mischievousness that hides behind the veil of innocence?

Did you see the impatience shrouded in understanding?

Did you see the lack of compassion covered by concern?

Or did you see the only thing you were looking for?
That small, glimpse of hope that the love is still there?

Before you answer....let me take off my shades tho.

Sankofa-Eagle on March 3, 2009 at 11:13 AM said...

...from the way i lick my lips, your "Pretty Brown Eyes" envision "Tender Kisses" that are never limited to just your right cheek...thats merely the beginning of their journey as they sojourn from neck to feet...

NaturallyAlise on March 3, 2009 at 1:27 PM said...

I always love the different directions the poems take, it is truly a joy to read...

The Chad on March 3, 2009 at 1:35 PM said...

Don’t look at me like that
Unless you’re going to kiss me
It confuses me
It’s the same look I get when
You have to decide between kissing me
And continuing to let us just be friends
And I’m not a mind reader
But you are a poem reader
So if you ever see this
Stop looking at me like that
If you’re not going to kiss me
Because I kind of like it
And if you’re still confused
It may not help
If I kiss you first.

The Pretty Brown Girl on March 3, 2009 at 9:35 PM said...

Sweet & brown is my canvas
Clean, glowing w/my satisfaction
I go hard in the paint.
Eyes await a fine line
To open wide and define
Both shadowed and sunny.
Lips purse to kiss color
Wet and inviting...hmmm.
Imitation is the purest
Form of flattery.
Lashes brushed out...
Lovely and lengthened
Looking at you,
Looking @ me.
Mirror, mirror
On the wall...
Isn't she lovely?
Mesmerized in my play
Amateur art perfected.


Luvvie on March 4, 2009 at 2:21 PM said...

I like what I see in you,
because I see it in myself
Cheekbones as high as the Heavens
Eyes as catty as siamese
twinkling with the stars
Lips as juicy as the ripest orange,
soft as Clouds
Smile that lights up the darkest room,
making the Sun envious
I call it Ultimate Narcissism.

sabrina on March 5, 2009 at 7:48 PM said...


"I hate you"
"You never listen to me"
"Use your ears!"

Making up....
"I'll never yell at you again"
"I will make time for you"
"I love your smile"

The Mundane...
"Pick up your socks"
"I'll take out the trash"
"Hey! You know I'm ticklish there..."

Those moments take my breath away
Being in this space with you
Make me feel closer to you

The Pretty Brown Girl on March 8, 2009 at 10:32 PM said...

I hijacked this from my daughter's friend Tiara's FB page. She's only 15 and a gifted little poetess:

by TiaraRasheed

look , look up
face the music
see who's watchin
look but the sun
is blinding
burn a blaze
freeze a cold
wintry mist
fix your feature
look in a mirror
watch yourself
as I watch you
I spy an eye
on me , wait
you seek
feelings hide
your face as
if it were a
An attempt to
is just me , my
heart and my face

Ms_Slim on March 17, 2009 at 10:20 AM said...

(Im typing this as it's coming to my head...forewarned lol)

First thing I see when I look at you
Those moving balls of wonderment
Deeply colored marbles which pierce my inner workings as you glance, never stare.

because you know i hate that shyt

I love your you. And only you.

The whole of you is so descriptive
Yet there's no words that can be used to satisfy my craving for You

Imperfections? Perfect
Any hint of blemish? I'll take it any day

You are...perfect
Just as you are

Those marbles staring back at me
That nose that knows no wrong
Those lips which part and seal a kiss so divine my inner and outer rejoice respectively


(ugh what I wrote is corny lol)



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