Monday, March 16

Blog Poetry Slam 9: Shoes

Today's Blog Poetry Slam is in honor of my E-sister Luvvie and her obsession and in honor of the Red Pump Project, please check it out.... so the rules are the same as every week:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word or theme
Relates to one of the pictures

Isn't that simple!?!? After the word and picture will be my poem for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


from you.
as you walk away:
i feel.
the terror of toes trampling my....
stepping on souls.
shoes shuffling across sensibilities...
feet rapidly racing from


...your turn now!


GOODENess on March 16, 2009 at 10:03 PM said...

I normally take time to write out something, but in the TRUE spirit of the SLAM (and my ridiculous shoe game)...I am going off the dome!

(click clack click clack)

thick thighs end in a glamorous burst of style and color
like no other
daughter, sister, friend, mother and lover
sashaying through your vision, others spot me and they're wishing that they possessed my ambition
to rock the boardroom, classroom, bedroom and the kitchen...
the soul in my soles leaves holes in their mission...
eyeballing head to toe,
vision stops a hater's flow!
returning your smile knowing you want to walk a red headed my foot work...

(click clack click clack)

Crownie McTwistface said...

M for the most that i'm doing when i labor over a purchase
O for the overdrafting that is inevitable when i purchase the shoe that makes me OOOOOOHHH
N for the nights i step out ... wearing you ... folks wanting you ... watching you ...
E for the envy that i invoke in others while i strut my stuff. step step turn slide step step step
Y for the yellacious yelling that i will do once i receive the bill ... for my snazzy shoes ... for my snazzy shoes.

*sidebar* lol that my lil word verification that is "werse" as in ... this lil verse couldn't be....

Naturally Sarcastic said...

Oh I love thee, let me count the ways....

An addiction to the core,
almost as bad as my fetish for chocolate.
Worse than Lays, b/c who can live with just one??
So misunderstood how $80 can be spent on foot paraphernalia instead of groceries...but with podiatric orgasms like these..who needs food!!!
Stepping on Heaven in an angelic stride...pure perfection.

Until you have walked a mile in my shoes... which is blasphemy if ever realized... you'll never understand...

why I STANZ for the causer of sleek silhouette caused by a 3" heel.

Oh shoes...stiletto and Nike alike...
how do I love thee, let me count the pairs....

Fly11 on March 17, 2009 at 1:50 PM said...

I totally freestyled on this one so don't blame me if it doesn't make sense :)

Strappy Hells

Swollen flesh,
two steps short of mutilated,
all because the devil wears prada
on her toes,
no one knows
the pain she feels
as she sways with each click, becoming one with the heels
appearing 5 inches taller than she really is
all because the devil wears prada on her toes
control from the sole with a danity flare,
subliminal messages, mind controlling lessons
taught from the feet up
no need to talk it out
strappy hells are made to walk it out.
Men stare in wonder, women eagerly chatter, children close their eyes and dream of climbing jacob's ladder as she pounds the pavement, hiding with a smile the grief that she's undertaken.
red like the sea,
tender as meat
beaten with a cleever,
feet begging to be free
from the pain of a strappy hell destiny.

VerbFashion on March 17, 2009 at 2:03 PM said...

dare I
not have a closet
of shelves
just shelves
for you
at mommy's I do
but now I suffer
college apartment blues
one walk-in with no room
for you and your mate
I wish my roomie would vacate
so then there could be two
still i never hesistate
to double you
sign in multiple screens
to compare
when I know I cannot resist
type in all 16 digits
wait 5-7 business
damn my game's the business

**i look forward to tuesdays now.



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