Tuesday, March 3

Out of the mouths of babes.....

Ok, I would like to introduce to you an extension of my E-Posse family... she is the spawn of The PBG, blogger extraordinaire, we'll call her Tee for short, she is my best (and only) friend under 18, *teeee heeee*. She is an awesome 15-year old who never ceases to amaze me with her wittiness and intelligence, I wish I knew kids like her when I was in high school, but anyway this conversation that took place on facebook is in response to her mom's blog about her falling on the ice and that Tee laughed at her.

Tee: I didn't laugh @ my mama...that much.

Alise: suuuuuuuuure

Tee:I'm serious! I even gave her some of my hot chocolate...

Alise: uh huh

Tee: and...fruit roll ups! don't forget those

Tee: Alright...I'll fess up. I Laughed my head off when she was scraping ice off the car.

Tee: I know it was wrong! But Ikey chuckled too....

Alise: lol

Alise: terrible children, just terrible

Tee:Its okay, I'll cook dinner tonight or something.

Alise: its the least u can do Laughy McChuckleson

Guffaw McGigglebox

Chortle McHaha

Tee: LAWLZ. ok okay....whoo lawd. I have too many people like this in my life..My chucklemuscles are raw.

Alise: tee hee

Tee:You,Tiara,Shannon,Luvvie...my own MAMA! Where is everybody getting the funny gene from? Is there some magical shot I need to take? It is time for me to go to the doctor...hrmm.

Alise:we just are all gravitating towards each other like a foolishness vortex

Tee: Wormhole of Ignace. Obama's probably got a secret plan formulated just for us and others like us....

Alise: Black Hole where nothing but common sense and refinement can escape

Tee:Watch your back Alise, I bet you they're probably rounding up Luvvie right now.... They'll be coming for us soon.

Alise: HA!

Tee: Crap. The FDTTCOIP is knocking @ my door.

Alise: please explain that acronym

Tee: Federal Department for The Capture of Ignant Peoples.

Tee: Alise, Ima track your facebook. If I dont see any activity tomorrow I know that they've got you. I'll round up my mommy and all my other ignant peoples so come spring you from the CIA's secret PFPWDHS.

Alise: i hate that i love u

Tee: [Place For People Who Dont Have Sense]

She is special, so very special.....


The Pretty Brown Girl on March 3, 2009 at 9:04 PM said...

My girlchild's ig'nance is epic.

iCan't w/that kid.

Those fruit roll-ups were bangin' though. My side still hurts!

Luvvie on March 3, 2009 at 9:14 PM said...

Bofa y'all dumb AS HELL!! Foolish for NO reason. The day the GOOD LAWD was giving out sense, y'all tripped and fell down stairs and missed the chance.

The Pretty Brown Girl on March 3, 2009 at 10:44 PM said...

Ummm...Luvvie. Can we not talk about falling down anymore? I swear, I've had my share.

oNe mAn gAng on March 4, 2009 at 12:00 AM said...

LMAO @ the fall and my e-sis...

Kryssy on March 5, 2009 at 7:47 AM said...

lol... It's pretty easy to laugh at parents though. I don't blame her.

Blackberry Molasses/The Rebel Intellectual on March 5, 2009 at 10:32 AM said...

TEARS!!!! I am in TEARS!!! My sides hurt from laughing so hard. Tee is officially gets my "Coolest Person Under 21" Award.

She also gets the "Gleefully Ignant Teen" Award.

SIDEBAR: can you tell I LOOOOOOOVE giving out awards???

And it is clear to me that this IGNANCE is genetic (yes, I'm lookin at YOU oh PBG!)

sabrina on March 5, 2009 at 7:49 PM said...

Well, like mother, like daughter! Tee is hilarious!



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