Monday, March 30

Poetry Slam 11: Drugs...

Welcome to the 11th installment of Naturally Alise's Blog Poetry Slam.... so the rules are the same as every week:

I will present a word/theme AND picture. In the comments write a poem (no matter how short or long, serious or silly) that:

Uses or relates to the word or theme
Relates to one of the pictures

Isn't that simple!?!? After the word and picture will be an old poem of mine for an example of what to do. I will write a new piece in the comments along with you guys!


high and low
does not equal
a confused heart
that just gives up.
love is a speedball.

drugs are bad.



GOODENess on March 30, 2009 at 10:14 PM said...

Raising my right hand to my lips,
I close my eyes & insert the tip.
Slowly inhaling the smoke of clarity,
Thinking of happier times that occur w/ more & more scarcity.
Holding it inside deeply, as I wait to exhale
The stale, breath of concession
From not grasping life lessons
I give up...w/ every puff...hoping for just enough...umpf! To get over that hump!

Phat Gurl Love on March 31, 2009 at 6:11 AM said...

I'm riding high all day.
Anticipating your return so you can give it to me again.
So I can swallow them whole greedily. Becoming insatiable when time moves slowly. My eyes closing. Dreaming of beautiful gems Emeralds, Sapphires, Diamonds, Garnets, Pearls and Topaz. I run fast pick up as many as I can...they turn into pills as I hold them in my hands. I smile and feel glad, somewhat sad. I know that I am safe for now in my coma of no return chasing them with alcohol..loving the burn.

amymay on March 31, 2009 at 7:07 AM said...

What's wrong with you?
I got somethin' for it.

Headache, nauseous?
I got ya covered.

Open your mouth,
just take what I offer.

What's that you say?
Wanna know what is it?


If you hurtin I got some of these..
and if you nervous, I got this here... If your lunch bout to make a round trip, this is for you

and if you can't...well you know,
I got that covered, too.

Now, your pressure's a little high... that one pill might be why...
So, Imma need you to take this right here....

I know, crazy ain't it, how the stuff I give you to fix your problem causes other problems.

Don't worry tho,
we got a pill for that.

Tracy Renee Jones on March 31, 2009 at 7:19 AM said...

God made dirt and dirt don't hurt. I have known that since I was a little girl, see. It worked for dropped candy so it must be the same for weed or trees or ganja or Mary Jane. Call it different names but it's one and the same.

Smoke fogs the confusion of my waking mind. My third eye is not third eye blind. I use it to unwind and plot my course because the world is mine. Better than having a eating disorder; solving my problems with food. Instead, my friend Mary gets me in a better mood.

Don't hate on me; hypocritical society. You just removed white lady from soda pop and dope from cough drops. I am not committing no original sin. Rite and wrong is decided when you say when? In style or out of order determined by the stroke of a pen.

eysqueen on March 31, 2009 at 7:21 AM said...

hello there pretty lady
my baby doll
may I take you today
to dull away the pain of yesterday?
my I consume you today
to shield me from the turbulence of tomorrow?
may I woo you today
so that you will stay with me always?
baby doll blue
pretty girl pink
sexy momma red
dual tone
whatever your shade
however your shape
what do I have to do to make you my date?

Ms_Slim on March 31, 2009 at 8:10 AM said...

Help needed
None taken
Reach further please
Turn against everyone
Lies and deceit abundant
Respect lost all over

To be
Can't see

A path of crooked twists and turns
Which end in a dark alley of



NaturallyAlise on March 31, 2009 at 8:16 AM said...

stealing this from eysqueen:

I to the V,
your hazy love completes me .


NaturallyAlise on March 31, 2009 at 10:29 AM said...

found this old piece of mine from 5 years ago, enjoy:

Damn, I'm high on life

Catch a contact and eliminate that strife.

So take me in your hand,

Take a pull of me and let your mind expand,

Inhale this knowledge, but don't forget to puff puff pass,

Don't take too much in too fast.....

Go slow you ain't a pro yet,

Be easy.... give this energy time to digest...

There is plenty to go around, honest....

But give me your two cents, actually put five on it,

I got that good shit, no stems, no seeds,

Just the truth, some inspiration, and anything else your soul needs....

Now just roll all that up in these words I write,

Light it up with some action and watch passion ignite.

Hold in the thick strong smoke as long as you can stand,

Know that happiness and freedom is under your command......

VerbFashion on March 31, 2009 at 12:32 PM said...

Just when I think it's over

You remember what happened after the 5th, 7th, 10th
time I was through

Brisk walk,
turned light jog,
scrurried sprint back to you

Just the sight of you teases
The dosage is needed
It eases

Always intoxicating

This time I promise to be
Temporarily through with you

sabrina on March 31, 2009 at 7:26 PM said...

She wakes, groggy and nauseous
Not knowing where she is
"She's coming off the anesthesia"
"Can you hear me? Blink once for yes"
She looks around the room
Tries to raise her arm
She can see the tubes from her mouth and arms
Keeping her alive
"25 mg morphine, IV push"
She begins to float
And goes back to sleep

She Hate Me on March 31, 2009 at 10:01 PM said...





2 dollars? Not enough.

Steal some stuff, isn't that tough.

Get a job. Get a place.

Get somewhere to hide my face.

Now I get my fix more often. Speech is getting better daily. I don't have to go without, as a matter of fact it's rarely. I look in the mirror, I sure do look different. Feel that way, too. Now I got my own personal supply, heh, who knew?

I'll never sell it though, this white girl is my best friend. She was here through everything, stuck by me till the end.

I married the dope. Tried to think of different ways to get high, but none works, nope. She gets mad, disappears too fast, simply because now I always wants a piece of her ***. My boy called, said to come through, stat. He's got something new for me to taste, it's called Crack.

It's time to divorce you and leave you alone. You've already taken my car and home. All I got left is this coffee mug.. I wish that sex wasn't my favorite drug.

But it is. Time for a new high.

Naturally Sarcastic said...

I was the President of my D.A.R.E class,
The Queen of "just say no".
They never forwarned about this one,
One hit, Green light means go.
Been addicted ever sense...
And this ish makes no sense.
I try to get free, but Love's pusher keeps finding me!

*lol @ "hinnesse" being my word verification.... smooth brown liquid courage drug...yummy!"



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