Thursday, October 30


My partner in (c)hryme asked me one day if her punctuation was correct in a poem. In true Alise snark i wrote her this:

poetry is what YOU make it,
& you can punctuate;

Wednesday, October 29


I am irritated today. When I am irritated, mad, disappointed, or sad there are little things I do to calm myself, some of them quirky and some quite normal.

- fixate on one song and play it over and over, that calms me for some odd reason.
- write. write. write some more. and then write a little bit more for good measure.
- rant with my IM Partner in (C)rhyme
- obsessively do crossword/logic/math/jigsaw puzzles, it takes me to another place that is based solely on logic and facts and is devoid of emotions, and since I am a beast at all four of those things it is also devoid of defeat or failure
-watch one of my 3 overwatched memorized movies obsessively (Five Heartbeats, Steel Magnolias, Shawshank Redemption)
- cozy up on the couch with a good book and some good wine (beer works too).

How about you?


You spoke.
i dined.
on your annunciation
i devoured.
your syllables.
i digested.
your spirit
does that make me?
a cannibal.
a glutton?
for punishment.
or is it?
just a crush.

also check this out:

Sunday, October 26

Thank You Berry Much


I love the fact that I have so many creative friends. In fact, I have a few friends that I accidentally create chain poems or stories with. (Kinda like me and Tiha with our IM's) I was perusing my super-swollen email inbox and ran across a pretty cool email exchange, I'd like to share it, it is so dang-on cute (JC don't kill me)... please enjoy:

Buried thinking of berries in my inbox
Sweet nectar waiting to be unearthed from fertile pages
Creative nutrients that joined with lifeless soil to reveal juicy goodness...
(....Brought to you courtesy of the blackberry, red wine, and legal drugs )

Me's Friend:
Cherries sent by blackberries in the middle of the night.
Melting defenses to awaken senses
creating the most fruitful consumption.
Catacombed in the witty characters before dawn,
nocturnal thoughts nurture life after twilight.

My chocolate kisses envelope strawberries offering a special treat
And playful, silly raspberries invoke smiles and giggles
Temporarily easing the bog of cranberry bitterness of this world that can't be chased away with vodka.... (lol)
(Sent via BlackBerry from SunCom Wireless)

Thursday, October 23

The System

.... feeling a good some kinda way, in the lab writing some new pieces, so for now:

...actually you can disturb if you'd like, I'm nice like that... Happy Friday.

Wednesday, October 22

Be's like that sometimes......

theme #1

Well since I am feeling all musical as of late and what not, guess the theme of the above playlist...... the silly poem from ages ago should help you figure it out rather quickly......... enjoy... *wink*..

Damn, whose deal is it?
I'll See what fortune hands out this go round....
Oh damn it is my bid, naw this time I ain't going ten,
Last time my heart got set, won't do that again.
I'll just sandbag my true emotions and feelings,
Just underbid and underestimate, avoid all these love dealings,
Put my strong face on like I am holding all the trump,
Not let anyone know underneath it all I'm a chump.
Thinking the worst of my partner so I renege to even the score,
But getting caught, putting us back even more.
I am tired of having a good hand of hearts but always getting cut,
Further pushing me into this indifferent rut.....
So I try to see what these night "clubs" do for me,
But damn it seems like I am still coming up empty,
So I try to compensate with diamonds and fine things,
Convincing myself I am happy with these fast hands and flings
So now I am forced to look at myself honestly and call a spade a spade,
Realizing I am not proud of the choices and books I have made.
But instead of dealing with those demons, I talk shit and smack every card,
To hide that I really am damaged and scarred.....
So for right now I'll play some solitaire and just understand,
That If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand........

Tuesday, October 21


Ok this is random as all get out, but I was perusing my boxes of old CD's and came across Intro's first CD. It was the shiznit for real, and right now I am feeling "some kinda way".....that is all...


a few songs are above. a couple of videos below. enjoy.

"Love Thang"

"Let Me Be"

Situationships be damned, part deux

There is light at the end of the tunnel. Trust.

I wrote this piece after being fed up with situationship after situationship (I won’t dignify them with the description of relationship), but I still somehow realized I just have to ‘woman-up’ and work smarter, not harder at finding/attracting/keeping the right one. Life goes on, and love is out there. Word. Is. Bond.


I like to think of myself as an attentive angel adept at administering and arousing affection
So why do is there a lull in this lovely lady’s love life, what is in me attracting lying, lazy lowlife lames?

So my pitiful past prompts me to protect this precious piece of sanity I possess and prevent potential pain and problems.

But the lonely nights sadly seem to be slowly stealing the sliver of stated sanity…….

Damned if I do, damned if I don’t. And day after day, the dilemma drags on: Dreadful dates, drama, damaged-goods, and degenerates, all dancing around my doorstep….

I refuse to settle for rejects, but reality is the real, respectful, relatable, reliable ones are rarely in my reach.

But somehow I muster the manpower to maneuver and make myself available and move past my mistrust and make it happen…

Monday, October 20

Living my life..... randomness....

Sometimes I get to doubting myself, feeling down:

Sometimes I feel like I'm living my life like it's gold plated
A hot gilded mess
...waiting futilely for an alchemist in shining armor.
but that armor is rusty too.
dang, what to do?

but then i come to my senses:

I throw off all the heavy metal slowing me down
wrap a bright scarf around my head
sport it like a crown
and let my platinum personality shine thru....
what was i thinking?

Thursday, October 16

"B to the E to the T...."

originally posted 11-10-06
This piece I wrote I think needs no introduction, so Brethren Enjoy This... give me some feedback

"B to the E to the T...."

Okay, ya'll I am tired....
I like black,
I like entertainment,
and I even like television,
but somehow these put together has gone awry.....
I am so tired of the Barrage of Elicit Trash; Beaming Endlessly Through the television set.
Proclaiming rappers and Bare Empty Titillating models as heroes.
I am so tired of youth being Blinded at Every Turn, wool pulled over their eyes
While the wolf in sheep's clothing called BET draws them in
Hellfire is coming through the airwaves...
and day after day they Breathe Embers of Treachery
Don't you know our Babies Emulate This Trash!
Programming our youth to get those Bare Empty Trappings of unattainable riches by any means necessary.
Beautiful queens selling their souls for Bling, Excess, and Trinkets
Teaching our young men to Berate, Endanger, and Terrorize women
Portraying us as Bitches and Evil Thugs...
Yeah you and I should know better than to buy into it,
But yet we still sit and watch the BET awards,
And what is our reward as a people... Bondage, Entrapment, and Tears.......
This is a Brilliant Eradication Tactic that we are falling for hook line and sinker
Why not offer our youth Belief , Empowerment , and Truth
Instead of Broadcasting Egotistical Talentless pseudo-artists
Who Boldly Exclaim Tasteless and offensive lyrics from the rooftops,
And guess who is listening and paying to do it.......... Us!
Paying with our lives.....
BET or television for that matter, is not your Babysitter, Educator, or Therapist.....
It does more harm to us than the Bigots, Extremists, and Terrorists could ever do......
I need a new BET of thought:
Building, Edifcation, and Transformation
Brainstorming, Enlightening, and Training
Beauty, Energy, and Togetherness
Brigdebuilding, Equality, and Tolerance

So I am going to end my Bold Edgy Tirade with this:
Beware of the Enemy Taking over.....BET
-Miss Alise - 2006

Wednesday, October 15

Don't even begin to try and judge me........

originally posted 9/17/06:

This is my ever evolving poem about who..... ME!..... Everyday I add to it, so I'll let y'all see the journey. I wrote this to let people know who I really am instead of immediately assuming they know me from a first impression, give a sista a chance,dannnnnnnnnnng..... So I hope you guys enjoy, like I said it ain't even done yet, but here it goes:

I think I'm ready to let you see the real me,
Unedited, live in stereo, the shit I never wanted anyone to see
Far from a simple woman, but really not too complex,
I just try to live in the moment, who knows what's next,
So let me set the record straight
I am tired of being misunderstood......

You may think I am a slacker, bullshitter, regretter
I swear I want to be a go-getter,
Once i figure what I want to go get
I am sure there are great things to which I aspire
But constant indecision constantly puts out my fire
Past demons scare away the potential I hold,
I am holding a full house, but still I fold...
...and bend and hold back
But yet you judge me, not realizing I too am mourning bad decisions I can never get back.
You see my Boardwalk dreams get lost somewhere in this Baltic Ave. reality
But I always stop myself and realize I can't pass go with this mentality...

I know you want to know what lies behind this smile,
It's no front, but this countenance keeps me going in this world so vile.
There is therapy in my every grimace, smirk, and grin,
My silliness is complex, it is the patch when my happiness wears thin...
The comedy comes from pain,
Laughter stops my soul's rain.....
So know I am no clown here for your amusement,
In fact I'm your patient and you heal me with every chuckle spent...

I'm not a flirt and I will tell you why,
I prefer you call me a social butterfly,
I am not craving attention,
I just feed off of human connection.
It brings me joy to make someone feel they are the only person in the room,
But when I project that energy, people always assume...
That I have ulterior motives, tricks up my sleeve
But my world will not be ruled by what others perceive
I will not allow anyone to clip my free spirit's wings,
My voice will not be caged , it needs no one's permission to sing.

Tuesday, October 14

The Dictionary is our Kama Sutra...

my "favoritest" poem ever, ever, ever, ever, ever... hope you good glittery folks feel the same.... also a grautitous alise pictue.... because it's my blog and i can do that, lol...

Please refer to me as a sexy nerd....
Attracted to the utterances of the likeminded .....
I am enchanted by creative expression
... simply said words turn me on...
The foreplay of your witty banter nibbles on my ears...
Arousing me with adjectives
.....seducing with syllables,
Don't get me wrong: I do enjoy the emotions in your hearts ocean,
but best believe the size of your word power matters...
You penetrate me intellectually ,
And my mind wraps around you.
Expressing yourself in postions I never imagined.
The dictionary is our kama sutra.
Poetry is our candlelight.
You illuminate the deepest caverns of my mind.
Conversation is our bedroom .....
I am not intimidated by intelligence,
In fact I want to be immersed in it,
Inundated until I explode....
I scream out analogies and idioms...
I pulsate with multiple eargasms
And after you cuddle me new concepts...
Lighlty stroke my face with similies
Protecting me in the arms of your prose...
And we slowly slip into a smalltalk slumber
----Naturally Alise, 2006

Monday, October 13

What do you want, Alise? Lots of glitter!

...and a pink unicorn

Talk to Me - Jill Scott

I am extra hyper and random today. (and most days) I wish my life was like a Broadway musical. Then I could just break out into random song about anything. There would be 5 dance numbers a day.... minimum! Think of all the fun, glitter, feather boas, head pieces, fabulous wigs, sequins, and excessive eye makeup that would ensue. Wouldn't that be the sh*t???!!!! Right, wouldn't it? *looking around*..... Well forget y'all , don't judge me.....I ain't crazy, I'm just bored, ready for something new that's all, and if I don't ask for it then I definitely won't get it ,now will I?

Be careful of what you don't ask for…
You might not get it..
Closed mouths don't get fed
(Commonly true with minds as well)
Though I am very literate and quite the bookworm,
I still cannot read your mind.
So say what you mean…
Mean what you say…
Backbones are pretty cheap these days,
…….even with inflation and all.

Testify your feelings
No more emotional perjury,
Aren’t you tired of your spirit going to repression’s prison.
Well, I offer you this pardon…..

creative expression.

Sunday, October 12

Spring Cleaning in Autumn

This is an old blog from myspace written on Thursday, September 27, 2007, and it is ringing true once again:

Spring Cleaning in Autumn....
Current mood: determined
Category: Writing and Poetry

More of a rant than a poem... well damn now that I think of it, they can be one in the same.... just doing a little spring cleaning in autumn.......
**(And I really am listening to Dwele, specifically the song "The Truth")**

I was dirtied by the muck and mire of dirty souls…
Who slung mud on my happiness.
But a little self realization and ….
Oh forget the poetic shit!
I woke the hell up and realized I was worth more
I picked up a sponge and some bleach
Put in a little elbow grease, and wiped the slate clean
Spruced up this canvass so I could put the true vison on display.
Painted a new portrait
Put forth a new image,
I realized if I was gonna get the best
… I had to be the best

Truth - Dwele

Missing Person Alert

Please pass along.
The Comebackgirl blogged:

Fellow bloggers have banded together this weekend to intend a safe and quick return of Michelle’ Orphalee McMullen sister to one of our fellow posters and blog friends, Akua. Akua and her family remain in our prayers.

Wednesday, October 8

They Say...

*Baldheaded me*

Living my life by other people's rules was like listening to wack ass hip hop (read: radio) when there is so much good music out there that is not neccesarily the most popular, the poem coming up speaks to that, I have had a trying evening dealing with judgmental people telling me what beauty is and what it ain't, what success really means and what it ain't..... le sigh...... but I don't care anymore what "They Say", so I'm good, real good:

You have finally faced the music
Cut through the overproduction,
Pushed through the synthesized keys and unlocked your destiny
Swam against the tide of superflous watered down beats
Escaped the trap of snares...
Came up and breathed in the pure air of lyrics.

Unearthed what lie beneath and between the lines.

Found the treasures of knowledge in each syllable.....


I never sleep anymore.
Always wide awake and aware,
Luckily I dream with 3 eyes open
Fixed on magnificent endeavors
Can't have my dreams slept on...
Anyway how ya gonna fight life's battles with pajamas on?

I wrote that poem when I was going through an extreme spell of insomnia, surviving off of 3 hours max of sleep every night. But something that was interesting during that time is that I produced the most poetry and some of the most vivid journal entries (yeah, I keep a personal journal too that i *gasp* write with a real pen and er'thing). In those moments of wide awake-ness:

so much creativity flowed in
my veins that

my brain
was blushing from excited capillaries
burst from the explosion of brilliance.

Damn, an impromptu poem, I love when that happens! Did I mention that my insomnia has returned? Let's see what it will produce this go round.


Naturally Alise

Sunday, October 5

Naturally Me!

Well since I chopped of the tresses I decided to post an old hair piece of mine from September 5, 2006. It is a hair metaphor for life, enjoy:

Naturally Me

Looking towards unfair standards of beauty

Feeling like fitting in was my duty....

But all that pressure was strand by strand damaging me.

Slowly breaking off from my own hand needlessly.

So scared to cut loose and put my true texture out there for all to see.

So afraid to display the natural me.

Longing to be.... naturally me.

But one day I awoke with a revelation.

That what was on and in my head was more than mere decoration.

It symbolized a needed transformation.

I was craving to be a new creation.

Realizing I didn't need others admiration,

I needed to feed my soul that was suffering from starvation.

Longing to be.... naturally me.

I picked up the scissors and years of insecurity fell to floor with just a few snips.

A sigh of relief quickly left my lips,

Walked to the mirror and saw a glow that nothing could eclipse,

I then looked and saw the beauty of all my features from my dark skin, full lips, and hips.

I now was at ease with my self image, finally coming to grips.

Realized this love for myself is my most important relationship.

And at last I was.... naturally me.

Bilal, "Soul Sista"

Saturday, October 4

Situationships be damned....

I decided to post this piece after reading a blog entry by Belle in Brooklyn. It made me think about relationship grey areas and falling inadvertently into a "situationship" and the feelings beneath it all. Her post led me to think about a time when I was going through something kinda similar and penned this piece, enjoy:

Contrary to popular belief I am confused
Confounded even at how we are connected but not together.
Contest this ain't , but I feel like I'm losing
Contusions of the ego even admitting this....
Contrition I want you feel for the battle you have begun:
Contention... heart vs. mind... emotion vs. logic..

Miss yous misinterpreted as invitations...
Misaligned intentions cause misunderstandings
Misty eyes explode upon impact from
Missiles of misled emotions bombarding my heart,
Mysteries unfolding.... Am I missing out by waiting for you to realize your mishap?

Really, I realize I can't hinge my relative sanity on your whims.
Relegating these feelings is a must....
Relinquishing control is hard for me but.....
Relationship wise I am in a different world, so I will relax, relate, and......

-Naturally Alise, 2008

You better tell 'em Lauryn... RECIPROCITY!!!

Stolen Kisses

Something short and sweet for ya...... Peace, Alise....

LadrĂ³n de Besos

You are definitely a smooth criminal, but I'm not telling....

Pillager of pecks and puckers

Marauder of magical mouth to mouth moments

Sweet stolen smooches.... lip to lip larceny

Kisses are the the best ill-gotten gain

....and require accomplices

Can I be your partner in crime?....

Flashback for ya..... Tracie Spencer, "Tender Kisses"

Thursday, October 2

Jean Grae... i heart her

Definitely my favorite female MC, I hope she really really blows up so the world can see the talent that is Jean Grae ... her flow is so poetic... she has inspired me, I will share a poem (oldie but goodie from 2006) that was written when i was feeling like jean grae is on "love thirst",

listen out for the following lines in the video.... hotness...

"we'll slow dance until tangos get hortizontal"....
"I am in love thirst and you are the quencher, maybe we should taping so you can remember"
"I know you go longer than flows with no commas"

And here is my poem:
"Tongue Twisted"

Can I show you some sexy, soft, sensual, soul satisfying alliterations

Rolling off my tongue sending sweet salacious sensations,

Steadily stroking, sipping, and sucking,

Slipping slowly across sweaty satin sheets.

Can I delight you with some desirous alliteration

Rolling off my tongue delivering divine dictations..

Dining on your delectable, delicious delicacies,

Can I lead you to some luscious ,lascivious, lustful alliteration

Rolling off my tongue lifting limitations.

Licking lightly, livening libido, letting loose

Longing to live lewd and licentious,

Can I capture you with some charismatic, charming, confident alliteration?

Rolling off my tongue commanding your concentration

Craving to consume your carnal candy.

conspiring to catch, converge , and come......

Can I procure you with some potent, powerful, pleasing alliteration?

Rolling off my tongue pleading for your penetration.

Passionate pulsation producing perspiration,

Plotting to possess your precious prize....

Can I take you with some tantalizing, tempting alliterations,

Rolling off my tongue for your titillation,

Taking time to tease and taste

Treating you with the treasure of a tongue twister ........

Alise in Wonderland

You have Alise in Wonderland once again
Evoking Cheshire cat grins
With embraces that cover a multitude of sins
Holding me tight ..... skin to skin
Where do I end ?

....and where do you begin?
Feeling like kissing cousins because our souls must be kin…
Dre(a)d…. ing this moment’s end
Wondering how you stole my heart with a pen…???



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