Sunday, October 12

Spring Cleaning in Autumn

This is an old blog from myspace written on Thursday, September 27, 2007, and it is ringing true once again:

Spring Cleaning in Autumn....
Current mood: determined
Category: Writing and Poetry

More of a rant than a poem... well damn now that I think of it, they can be one in the same.... just doing a little spring cleaning in autumn.......
**(And I really am listening to Dwele, specifically the song "The Truth")**

I was dirtied by the muck and mire of dirty souls…
Who slung mud on my happiness.
But a little self realization and ….
Oh forget the poetic shit!
I woke the hell up and realized I was worth more
I picked up a sponge and some bleach
Put in a little elbow grease, and wiped the slate clean
Spruced up this canvass so I could put the true vison on display.
Painted a new portrait
Put forth a new image,
I realized if I was gonna get the best
… I had to be the best

Truth - Dwele




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