Wednesday, October 29


I am irritated today. When I am irritated, mad, disappointed, or sad there are little things I do to calm myself, some of them quirky and some quite normal.

- fixate on one song and play it over and over, that calms me for some odd reason.
- write. write. write some more. and then write a little bit more for good measure.
- rant with my IM Partner in (C)rhyme
- obsessively do crossword/logic/math/jigsaw puzzles, it takes me to another place that is based solely on logic and facts and is devoid of emotions, and since I am a beast at all four of those things it is also devoid of defeat or failure
-watch one of my 3 overwatched memorized movies obsessively (Five Heartbeats, Steel Magnolias, Shawshank Redemption)
- cozy up on the couch with a good book and some good wine (beer works too).

How about you?


suga on October 31, 2008 at 7:16 PM said...

I love that you love the Five Heartbeats. I know it sounds crazy but I've watched that movie so much, that I can't even watch it anymore. lol

When I am irritated, I sometimes write to distract myself. There is a group of female bloggers who I happened to link up with on myspace and we became friends offline. We have email threads everyday and we just vent, laugh, cry, share relate, write, alla that. We call ourselves the GoldenGirls or GG's. And best believe, when I'm irritated, I'll send out this looooooooooong ass email to get whatever off my chest. And each and every one of them (there are 5 of us) will read it, give their opinion, send out solutions and e-hugs, and proceed to crack me up some kind of way. It's very therapeutic...the writing it out and the feedback.

I also like to have living room concerts..crank up the iPod and get to sanging.

Oh and eating...I will chow unhealthy, but hey, it makes a sista feel good. In fact, I'm slightly irritated so im debating on going out and getting some barbeque now lol

NaturallyAlise on November 1, 2008 at 4:25 PM said...

suga, That is awesome about the group you have, I have made so many e-friends and found kindred spirits on the good ol' interweb through blogging, and now i have sisters scattered throughout the country that have enriched my life though their writing..... also reading blogs are part of my destressing/relaxation....



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