Wednesday, October 22

Be's like that sometimes......

theme #1

Well since I am feeling all musical as of late and what not, guess the theme of the above playlist...... the silly poem from ages ago should help you figure it out rather quickly......... enjoy... *wink*..

Damn, whose deal is it?
I'll See what fortune hands out this go round....
Oh damn it is my bid, naw this time I ain't going ten,
Last time my heart got set, won't do that again.
I'll just sandbag my true emotions and feelings,
Just underbid and underestimate, avoid all these love dealings,
Put my strong face on like I am holding all the trump,
Not let anyone know underneath it all I'm a chump.
Thinking the worst of my partner so I renege to even the score,
But getting caught, putting us back even more.
I am tired of having a good hand of hearts but always getting cut,
Further pushing me into this indifferent rut.....
So I try to see what these night "clubs" do for me,
But damn it seems like I am still coming up empty,
So I try to compensate with diamonds and fine things,
Convincing myself I am happy with these fast hands and flings
So now I am forced to look at myself honestly and call a spade a spade,
Realizing I am not proud of the choices and books I have made.
But instead of dealing with those demons, I talk shit and smack every card,
To hide that I really am damaged and scarred.....
So for right now I'll play some solitaire and just understand,
That If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand........


Sweet.Simple.Sophisticated. on October 27, 2008 at 12:10 AM said...

I am feeling this too much for words. It's sad that life and love can harden you into this state.



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