Wednesday, October 8


I never sleep anymore.
Always wide awake and aware,
Luckily I dream with 3 eyes open
Fixed on magnificent endeavors
Can't have my dreams slept on...
Anyway how ya gonna fight life's battles with pajamas on?

I wrote that poem when I was going through an extreme spell of insomnia, surviving off of 3 hours max of sleep every night. But something that was interesting during that time is that I produced the most poetry and some of the most vivid journal entries (yeah, I keep a personal journal too that i *gasp* write with a real pen and er'thing). In those moments of wide awake-ness:

so much creativity flowed in
my veins that

my brain
was blushing from excited capillaries
burst from the explosion of brilliance.

Damn, an impromptu poem, I love when that happens! Did I mention that my insomnia has returned? Let's see what it will produce this go round.


Naturally Alise


eysqueen on October 8, 2008 at 11:35 AM said...

gotta keep you awake, we need more poems! *cracking whip



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