Saturday, October 4

Situationships be damned....

I decided to post this piece after reading a blog entry by Belle in Brooklyn. It made me think about relationship grey areas and falling inadvertently into a "situationship" and the feelings beneath it all. Her post led me to think about a time when I was going through something kinda similar and penned this piece, enjoy:

Contrary to popular belief I am confused
Confounded even at how we are connected but not together.
Contest this ain't , but I feel like I'm losing
Contusions of the ego even admitting this....
Contrition I want you feel for the battle you have begun:
Contention... heart vs. mind... emotion vs. logic..

Miss yous misinterpreted as invitations...
Misaligned intentions cause misunderstandings
Misty eyes explode upon impact from
Missiles of misled emotions bombarding my heart,
Mysteries unfolding.... Am I missing out by waiting for you to realize your mishap?

Really, I realize I can't hinge my relative sanity on your whims.
Relegating these feelings is a must....
Relinquishing control is hard for me but.....
Relationship wise I am in a different world, so I will relax, relate, and......

-Naturally Alise, 2008

You better tell 'em Lauryn... RECIPROCITY!!!


[fŭng'kē] [blak] [chik] on October 4, 2008 at 5:12 PM said...

been there, done that, got the tshirt!



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