Sunday, October 26

Thank You Berry Much


I love the fact that I have so many creative friends. In fact, I have a few friends that I accidentally create chain poems or stories with. (Kinda like me and Tiha with our IM's) I was perusing my super-swollen email inbox and ran across a pretty cool email exchange, I'd like to share it, it is so dang-on cute (JC don't kill me)... please enjoy:

Buried thinking of berries in my inbox
Sweet nectar waiting to be unearthed from fertile pages
Creative nutrients that joined with lifeless soil to reveal juicy goodness...
(....Brought to you courtesy of the blackberry, red wine, and legal drugs )

Me's Friend:
Cherries sent by blackberries in the middle of the night.
Melting defenses to awaken senses
creating the most fruitful consumption.
Catacombed in the witty characters before dawn,
nocturnal thoughts nurture life after twilight.

My chocolate kisses envelope strawberries offering a special treat
And playful, silly raspberries invoke smiles and giggles
Temporarily easing the bog of cranberry bitterness of this world that can't be chased away with vodka.... (lol)
(Sent via BlackBerry from SunCom Wireless)


eysqueen on October 28, 2008 at 4:49 AM said...

the infamous jc strikes again!

GOODENess on March 6, 2009 at 7:41 PM said...

"Cherries sent by blackberries in the middle of the night."

This made me smile... :)



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