Monday, October 13

What do you want, Alise? Lots of glitter!

...and a pink unicorn

Talk to Me - Jill Scott

I am extra hyper and random today. (and most days) I wish my life was like a Broadway musical. Then I could just break out into random song about anything. There would be 5 dance numbers a day.... minimum! Think of all the fun, glitter, feather boas, head pieces, fabulous wigs, sequins, and excessive eye makeup that would ensue. Wouldn't that be the sh*t???!!!! Right, wouldn't it? *looking around*..... Well forget y'all , don't judge me.....I ain't crazy, I'm just bored, ready for something new that's all, and if I don't ask for it then I definitely won't get it ,now will I?

Be careful of what you don't ask for…
You might not get it..
Closed mouths don't get fed
(Commonly true with minds as well)
Though I am very literate and quite the bookworm,
I still cannot read your mind.
So say what you mean…
Mean what you say…
Backbones are pretty cheap these days,
…….even with inflation and all.

Testify your feelings
No more emotional perjury,
Aren’t you tired of your spirit going to repression’s prison.
Well, I offer you this pardon…..

creative expression.




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