Thursday, October 16

"B to the E to the T...."

originally posted 11-10-06
This piece I wrote I think needs no introduction, so Brethren Enjoy This... give me some feedback

"B to the E to the T...."

Okay, ya'll I am tired....
I like black,
I like entertainment,
and I even like television,
but somehow these put together has gone awry.....
I am so tired of the Barrage of Elicit Trash; Beaming Endlessly Through the television set.
Proclaiming rappers and Bare Empty Titillating models as heroes.
I am so tired of youth being Blinded at Every Turn, wool pulled over their eyes
While the wolf in sheep's clothing called BET draws them in
Hellfire is coming through the airwaves...
and day after day they Breathe Embers of Treachery
Don't you know our Babies Emulate This Trash!
Programming our youth to get those Bare Empty Trappings of unattainable riches by any means necessary.
Beautiful queens selling their souls for Bling, Excess, and Trinkets
Teaching our young men to Berate, Endanger, and Terrorize women
Portraying us as Bitches and Evil Thugs...
Yeah you and I should know better than to buy into it,
But yet we still sit and watch the BET awards,
And what is our reward as a people... Bondage, Entrapment, and Tears.......
This is a Brilliant Eradication Tactic that we are falling for hook line and sinker
Why not offer our youth Belief , Empowerment , and Truth
Instead of Broadcasting Egotistical Talentless pseudo-artists
Who Boldly Exclaim Tasteless and offensive lyrics from the rooftops,
And guess who is listening and paying to do it.......... Us!
Paying with our lives.....
BET or television for that matter, is not your Babysitter, Educator, or Therapist.....
It does more harm to us than the Bigots, Extremists, and Terrorists could ever do......
I need a new BET of thought:
Building, Edifcation, and Transformation
Brainstorming, Enlightening, and Training
Beauty, Energy, and Togetherness
Brigdebuilding, Equality, and Tolerance

So I am going to end my Bold Edgy Tirade with this:
Beware of the Enemy Taking over.....BET
-Miss Alise - 2006


eysqueen on October 20, 2008 at 5:10 AM said...

clap clap clap, I've always loved this one!



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