Monday, April 5

Guest Blog Poetry Slam: Musical Favorites (National Poetry Month: Day 6)

This week's Blog Poetry slam topic and poem is coming from my very dear friend and kindred spirit, Amy.  You can find Amy at her two beautiful blogs: random and pressing details and The Attic of my Mind or on twitter.  Amy and I share a mutual "stan-dom" for Erykah Badu, so she contributed a poem that I thought would be perfect.  Today's theme is to write a poem about or inspired by your favorite album or artist.  The next two poems will be Amy's and then mine.  Write your poem and put it in the comments.  Your poems can be short or long, silly or serious, however the spirit hits you.  Happy Writing! 

Road Trip With Erykah

Shifting into drive, and rollin' out
Miles stretching out before me like a promise.
My travelling companions on the pre-dawn highway...
my over-taxed,
And Erykah's voice.
The sun rises to my left and
waves away the dusky purple shadow
of night's last sigh.
"Honayyyyyy...... you're soooo sweet"
the lyric coincides with the gilding of a new day.
Note by note and mile by mile
driving the pain away,
leaving Thought along the road,
let that raggedy hitch hiker fend for herself.

Lyrics, fluid from my speakers,
flood my mind.
Rising like the tide
to wash away the memories
and burdens.
In this solitude with Erykah's voice,
I am finding a small, quiet place.
It is mine.
And the miles roll on under my tires.
I am farther from home,
closer to where I am going,
and not wanting to get there.
Yearning for the journey,
not the destination.
It is mine.
Like silk ribbon through slack fingers,
the notes slip through my brain.
Caressing away the tense expectation
of resistance yet to come.
For now, the music says,
let this be enough.
Let go.

Let this ride last a little longer,
safe and alone in my capsule of sound,
wheels turning...
and delivering me away....
Even if it is temporary,
it will be enough,
it is mine.

© AmyMay

Cold, Lonely

on cold lonely nights
i hug my journal
i strike pen to paper until the smoke detectors go off
and let the flames warm the empty side of the bed
and thaw the ice forming on my heart
so it can melt onto the page
to make sweet poems
to cut the edge of my bitterness

on cold lonely nights
i cuddle badu albums
hoping the other side of the game
will certainly occupy the other side of the bed
and lull me into dreams of having you right now
instead of next lifetime
underneath the orange moon
together going on and on...

© Naturally Alise 2010

musical treat:




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