Wednesday, April 14

National Poetry Month: Day 14 (Journal)

The poem I am going to post today has a very interesting back story.  However, I won't tell you the back story today.  In fact, I am starting a new blog called "Behind the Poetry."  In that blog I will write the interesting events, good and bad,that inspire the poetry that I write.  I will tell these stories in many interesting ways.  I am excited about this project and I hope you guys will follow my story over there.  Thanks as always for supporting my art and being my outlet.  I will give you the details of the new blog when I kick it off very soon!  My poem for today is below:

He treated me like a brand new journal
Received me smiling but intending to give me away
Never would ink his thoughts on me
Says I'm too beautiful
He says he would never rip out the pages of my innocence
Or mar them with the ink of his despair
I reply
My pretty exterior
Is only a wrapper
Of torn pages, doodles, and pain
Just waiting to make poetry...
With you.




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