Thursday, April 29

National Poetry Month: Fragments 1, 2, & 3

I have slacked on National Poetry Month, I suck.  And not in a good way. *rimshot*  However, I have been writing, just haven't completed anything.  It's not an excuse though, so I will share my fragments of poems I have started this month.  Hey, only I know that it isn't finished...  Here ya go:

How did a regal lioness give birth to a lamb
I never did  quite fit in with her pride
And I've been trying so hard to make her proud ever since
But I never quite could hack it as her cub
Gentle natures are mistaken for weak...
So even in a den of lions I was the black sheep....

Everything for insomniacs is in reverse
I don't wind down
I wind up
Trying to pitch sleepiness
But only curve balls of hyperactivity cross the plate
And sleep patterns are knocked out of the park
Grand slam plays...
Before I know it the scoreboard reads 4 points..
Oh wait.... that says 4 am....

Tomorrow is a poem I have not begun to write
Length unknown
Exstence not promised
The day after is an acapella instrumental
no words.
no sound.
sheet music blank.
infinite possibilities.




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