Tuesday, April 6

Guest Poet: SheHateMe - National Poetry Month: Day 7

Today's guest poet is a great budy of mine who goes by the internet moniker of SheHateMe.  This guy is an awesome poet and blogger.  You can check him out at his blog, Blogs of the Invisible Soul or on Twitter.  He also was a guest poet here last year: Giveaways & Guest Poet: SheHateMe.  So I hope you enjoy this beautiful piece as much as I do!

"Let me be your diary, and let your pen be your guide."

So, normally, I try to write about what's in my heart.  Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's sad, sometimes, it's just a reflection of what I'm going through and yet, other times, I have NO idea where it came from.

Hey woman, say woman, it's been a while,
Over 5 months since I seen your smile.
What's going on, what's wrong?
Didn't you hear that brand new song?
It debuted yesterday on the radio-
Hey, grab my hand, come on, let's go.
Where to?  Oh, nowhere and everywhere.
I want to dig in your mind and stay there.
Let's scream it out, talk it out.
Write it out, walk about.
Get those emotions out,
Here's a pitcher for those tears, let's pour them out.
I can see those eyes, what's in your heart?
Let me guess, the wrong actor tried out for the main part?
Yeah, it figures, you know, this movie called Life
Doesn't always do what's right.
And it's never fair, at least not fair to your advantage.
But don't you worry, me and you will manage.
Remember that I'll always be an ear.
To listen to your trouble, and I'll always be near.
Let me be your diary, and let your pen be your guide.
Let my presence be your pages, and let your heart be your scribe.

And there you have it.  I guess my momma was right, I'll always be a diary to the masses.

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'
Day 2 - Silly Me
Day 3 - Haiku Series (sky theme)
Day 4 - Soul Resurrected
Day 5 - Poetry Chase
Day 6 - Musical Favorites Blog Poetry Slam - featuring AmyMay

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it.  Also the second week of April I will be featuring some of my favorite poets.  i already have 2 lined up, drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured as well!  Enjpy!

(I will apologize now, the pieces may be raw and/or unfinished, but hell no one would know that but me, lol)  




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