Sunday, April 4

National Poetry Month: Day 5

Poetry Chase

poetry took a swing at me
but i writer's blocked it
I ran off when it tried to slam me
but it still gave chase
and i even threw on a thesaurus to try to disguise myself
but poetry still knew it was me
so i shut the door
when poetry tried to open mics on me
but poetry devised the perfect rhyme scheme to catch me:
a new badu album.

my new favorite song:

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'
Day 2 - Silly Me
Day 3 - Haiku Series (sky theme)
Day 4 - Soul Resurrected

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it.  Also the second week of April I will be featuring some of my favorite poets.  i already have 2 lined up, drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured as well!  Enjpy!

(I will apologize now, the pieces may be raw and/or unfinished, but hell no one would know that but me, lol)  




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