Thursday, May 6

It's a celebration!

Today is the day that good ol' Naturally Alise arrived on this planet 31 years ago.   So why not have gratuitous pictures on MY blog, lol.... Enjoy!  Do you know what I would love for my birthday present?  For y'all to write me poems in the comments...  I'm a simple gal!



Be My Guest...

Go to twitter and wish my sister from another mister Amy May a Happy Birthday! (@AmyMay117)

One of the things I love about this blog is how many wonderful poets it has connected me to.  Also, you wouldn't believe how many poems get sent to my inbox to read and/or criique.  It is such an honor.  One thing I want to do is let all my readers know that if they want something of theirs featured on the blog please email me and I would GLADLY post it.  I think sometimes I love reading and listening to other people's poems than my own.  So please feel free to contact me (naturallyalise(at)gmail(dot)com) and drop me a poem or just to chat.  Also, everyone check out the guest poets I have had over the years, I have linked their blogs/websites as well.

Blog Poetry Slam 31: Road - "The Road Calls" (Elliot Axiom)

"Grey Matters" (Ain HD)

"Directing Traffic" (Verb Fashion)

Untitled (SheHateMe)

Blog Poetry Slam: Musical Favorites - "Roadtrip With Badu" (AmyMay)

"Diary" (SheHateMe)

"Paper Towns" (Tiara R.)

"Sometimes" (Mr. Jolla)

Blog Poetry Slam 47: No Rules - Sonnet (Taahira)

Wednesday, May 5

Phobias... fragments

I am working on a new piece and I thought I would make this one of those pieces that you can see the progression of the poem.  So as I write this poem I will post when I come up with new parts to it.  I have done this before with a poem called "Scary at Me" last year.  Below will be the beginning, and I would love if you would follow it from its infancy to its completion:

Hold up hold up, let me guess...
It's you not me...
No no no wait, is it you aren't ready...
Hold up wait... I know!
You're scared...
Oh, excuse my side-eye... it is vicious.
Well apparently you must be aerophobic, yeah, fear of wind
because the winds of change apparently have you scared shitless
No, maybe you are acrophobic, you know afraid of heights
And to come to my level and stay there must be hell on your anxiety
I understand.
I know your agoraphobia keeps you inside that little box you huddle and cower in.
Or maybe you suffer from Anablephobia - fear of looking up. Only way I can explain you putting me up on a pedestal and then walking away

Monday, May 3

Blog Poetry Slam 47: No Rules (Guest Poet: Taahira)

Today's blog poetry slam is being brought to you by my favorite teenager on the planet, Taahira, she has a tumblr blog by the name of Urban Rag Doll. She is the daughter of one of my dearest friends The PBG of the blog Dirty Pretty Thangs. She has raised a great kid! She often surprises me with little gems in the form of poetry or anecdotes that always brighten my day. This time she sent a poem that I thought was extra clever, hope you enjoy it too!  Because of her poem today, just write a poem about anything in any form you want... NO RULES!!!  (Only rule is to post your poem in the comments...)

I had to write a sonnet for english class. I told my teacher I didn't like writing poems with rules.  So I made a poem about forced poetry isn't real art.

Fake art is insanity
It's backwards
Like sailors without profanity
False feelings? Those should be your last words

Fabricating imagination is a mockery
A Sham!
What is this tomfoolery?
It's a Scam

Falsified craftsmanship is craziness
My hatred for you posers is immense
Where is your inventiveness?
The grudge I hold is intense

Your words are balderdash
Your synthetic rhymes: trash 

check out me and Taahira's first post together form last year:

Blog Swap: "Reindeer Games"

It ain't Christmas, my name ain't Rudolph, and your Reindeer Games don't interest me...

Hi! It's AmyMay... remember me, "Theory Woman?" No? Okay... forget you, then. Well, Alise and I have been having mutual blog block, so we thought that doing a post swap might kick start our collective writing muses. (I stay tellin' Alise them heffas took off to the Bahamas and just didn't tell us they were goin', but I can't prove it.) We aren't entirely sure it will work, but, hey... it's worth a shot.

This time, I have archetypes and opinions on said archetypes. Kinda like theories only not quite. Theory Lite, if you will!!

Now, like the last time I wrote something that I contributed to this blog, I'm gonna take a moment to give a disclaimer: My brain is a busy and dangerous place. There will be trains of thought which take perilous turns, dives and twists. There might be derailments. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride until the post comes to a full and complete stop. Management is not responsible for any loss of life, limb or good sense. Thank you! Enjoy the ride!

So, normally when I blog, I steer clear of the workjob. I work in a profession where privacy and confidentiality are legal mandates, not just suggestions. But this really doesn't have anything to do with my specific job. It's more of a general workplace kinda situation... I'm thinkin' this one time, I can make an exception.

I love my job. I love the place I work. I genuinely like many of the people at my job. That said, one of my greatest pet peeves is something that I encounter almost exclusively at the workjob. A little something I like to call Reindeer Games. Reindeer Games are that boolshiggity that most of us outgrew when we received our high school diplomas and moved on with life. Yet there are those allegedly grown adults who revel in them. And I just can't abide them!

Reindeer Game: We're IN, You're OUT. This is self explanatory. Call it what you will... cliques, the in-crowd, the cool kids. Whatever. All I have to say about this is, if you have to work at convincing me you're cool.... well, you're not. Sorry to break it to you, Sparky.

Reindeer Game: I know important people around here! Ummmm... so? If you suck at your job, but you know someone in an office, well.... hun, you still suck at your job, and I still don't respect you. Now what?

Reindeer Game: If I look busy, people will think I actually do stuff around here! Yeah. Go saddown. You ain't foolin' NO.BODY!! But if it helps you sleep at night, knock yourself out!

Reindeer Game: I work hard at getting out of work! This one is closely related to the last one. But I genuinely don't understand the point. If you play this Reindeer Game, I'm thinkin' you need more people.

Reindeer Game: I take credit for stuff I didn't do. Nothing funny. You suck. That is all.

Reindeer Game: I live to stir the pot. If your life is so empty and boring that you must instigate drama in the lives of those around you... *smh* All I can say to that is Karma is a bitch, and Hell is hot!

I'm sure I haven't but scratched the surface. What are some of your favorite Reindeer Games? What kind of workplace shenanigans get your blood pressure up? Share with the class!

P.S. I hope you will join me in encouraging Naturally Alise and Eyesqueen to come out of hibernation!! I been missin' them chicks!!

P.S.S. The post is now at a halt. Feel free to move about the blog!

visit Amy at:

Sunday, May 2

on repeat...

music is like Lays
i can't just listen to one
good shit on repeat

I said on facebook a couple days ago that I needed a Badu intervention.  I was serious!  I have certain songs of hers that I will put on repeat or keep playing one part over and over again.  There seems to be certain songs in general that just touch a place in my soul or speak to a situation I am going through. What songs do you play to death? These are mine:

Erykah Badu - Window Seat
Uploaded by UniversalMusicGroup. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

"I need someone to clap for me..."

"The story ends... as stories do, reality stepped into view... no longer living life in paradise..."

"I've been changed and rearranged.. it's not like it was before...."

"Were you hurt by love before... too much pain for your heart to ignore?  Do you hide? Hide behind a disguise... pretty girl"

Saturday, May 1

dedication to these grays... (repost)

Reposting this in honor of my birth month and the upcoming celebration of my 2nd 30th birthday on May 7th, lol....

Why do I be telling folks I'm 29?
See, I be forgetting

i am just. that. fly.
and according to my heart I'm 20
and my life experiences are 38
so they average out to 29
honest mistake.
i ain't perfect

but pretty damn close.
don't judge

Thursday, April 29

National Poetry Month: Fragments 1, 2, & 3

I have slacked on National Poetry Month, I suck.  And not in a good way. *rimshot*  However, I have been writing, just haven't completed anything.  It's not an excuse though, so I will share my fragments of poems I have started this month.  Hey, only I know that it isn't finished...  Here ya go:

How did a regal lioness give birth to a lamb
I never did  quite fit in with her pride
And I've been trying so hard to make her proud ever since
But I never quite could hack it as her cub
Gentle natures are mistaken for weak...
So even in a den of lions I was the black sheep....

Everything for insomniacs is in reverse
I don't wind down
I wind up
Trying to pitch sleepiness
But only curve balls of hyperactivity cross the plate
And sleep patterns are knocked out of the park
Grand slam plays...
Before I know it the scoreboard reads 4 points..
Oh wait.... that says 4 am....

Tomorrow is a poem I have not begun to write
Length unknown
Exstence not promised
The day after is an acapella instrumental
no words.
no sound.
sheet music blank.
infinite possibilities.

Friday, April 23

Jambalaya Soul Slam Finals

If you are in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area make it a point to come to the Jambalaya Soul Slam Finals on Saturday, April 24th 8:00-11:00 pm at the The Hayti Heritage Center (804 Old Fayetteville St, Durham, NC).  I'll be slamming!!!

We are extremely excited to bring you our Grand Slam Finals on April 24th at the Hayti Heritage Center. The following 12 incredible poets are prepared to wow you with their performances: G, Zak Kane Corsi, Axiom, Kane, Lizh, Trina Thoughtz, Will McInerney, El'Ja, Jru, Yogii, Potts and Naturally Alise. Poets will be competing for a spot on the 2010 Bull City Slam team, a cash prize and the title of Grand Slam Champion. As a member of the 2010 Bull City Slam Team the poets will get to compete in the Southern Fried Regional competition in Knoxville, Tennessee June 2-6, 2010 and the National Poetry Slam in St. Paul, MN August 3-7, 2010.

As if this line up isn't exciting enough we have an amazing feature from Charlotte by way of Brooklyn, NY Kendrea Griffith aka Mekkah. Her literary and visual art are living scrap books of an urban-gypsy documenting the beauty in uncommon things. She was dubbed the “First Lady of Charlotte Slam” by Sotac Magazine as the only female member of Charlotte, North Carolina’s 1st Poetry Slam team. She has been a member of 3 SlamCharlotte national slam teams, is a Southern Fried Poetry Slam Champion and National Poetry Slam Finalist. Mekkah was ranked 5th in the world at the 2005 Individual World Poetry Slam and was the only woman to grace the final stage that year.
Beyond the world of slam poetry Mekkah has recorded two spoken word albums featuring collaborations with bands and producers in every genre from reggae to rock. Her album "The ButtaFly Effect"(2004) and other recordings are available at

In collaboration with the Concrete Generation arts collective she wrote "Miles and Coltrane Blue(.)" – an interdisciplinary work combining passionate poetry, live music, visual art and choreography. It has been presented Off-Broadway and to sell out crowds at the 2009 Edinburgh Fringe Arts Festival (Edinburgh, Scotland). She wows crowds everywhere she goes and we are extremely excited to present her to you at our Grand Slam Finals, you will not want to miss this!

Monday, April 19

national Poetry Month: Day 19 (Haiku)

Sorry readers, I have shirked  my poetry month responsibilities.  I have been busy working on a couple of projects, but that is no excuse.  So today I will unleash a bunch of haiku to make up for my transgressions....  Forgive me?

I refuse to eat
Those things that are up your sleeves
Why?  Trix are for kids.

When I do haiku
I wear the finest cashmere
To kill you sofly

I had a bad dream
Tyra took out my eyeballs
And smiled with my eyes

I hip-hop is dead
Where is the murder scene?
106th and Park?

Why am I so hot?
I write haiku on matchbooks
to make sure they're fire.

The tables have turned
Isn't that Ray-J's sister?
Brandy what happened?

Much like LL's head
My life is shining brightly
I'm doing it well

I sometimes wonder
Does our poetic waxing
Come from life's candles

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it. Drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured this month!  Enjoy!

Friday, April 16

National Poetry Month: Day 16 (Battle Rap)

Okay y'all this post today is kinda silly, but there is an explanation behind it.  See what had happened was I was on twitter and someone posted a link to something called the URL.  URL is the acronym for Ultimate Rap League.  Each clip puts two emcees against each other to freestyle against each other.  It is quite ignorant and foolish, hence why I love it so. (Don't judge me.)  Here is a sample clip: .  Anyway that night I proceeded to watch rap battles for 4 hours straight.  So I decided to write my own battle rap, it counts as poetry.  It just happens to be poetry with insulting punchlines.  So here goes my rap debut:

I keep you all bouncing like insufficient funds
Going harder than a stripper does for ones
You play with words but I refuse your puns
You'll be gone quicker than income tax refunds
You cowards look up to me as if you were my sons
Cuz your rhymes are junk like Sanford and Son reruns

Just because your Biology book fell doesn't mean you drop science
I stepped to the mic and crushed your wings and you ain't been fly since
You're all smoke and mirrors like a conceited incense
Stop writing rhymes under false pretense

Was that a metaphor? More like a meta-three
You're weak as a wine cooler, how you like that simile?
Every rhyme you attempt is wack to me
The way you keep falling reminds me of gravity

You and wackness are tight like Gayle and Oprah
You'll always get slept on like a pull-out sofa
The day I was born your career is over
Only hope for you is a 4 leaf clover.



April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it. Drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured this month!  Enjoy!

Thursday, April 15

National Poetry Month: Day 15 (Behind the Poetry)

Today for National Poetry Month please go visit my brand new blog, "Behind the Poetry."  The very first entry is the back story to the poem, "Love At First Sight."  Let me know what you think! 

Naturally Alise

Wednesday, April 14

National Poetry Month: Day 14 (Journal)

The poem I am going to post today has a very interesting back story.  However, I won't tell you the back story today.  In fact, I am starting a new blog called "Behind the Poetry."  In that blog I will write the interesting events, good and bad,that inspire the poetry that I write.  I will tell these stories in many interesting ways.  I am excited about this project and I hope you guys will follow my story over there.  Thanks as always for supporting my art and being my outlet.  I will give you the details of the new blog when I kick it off very soon!  My poem for today is below:

He treated me like a brand new journal
Received me smiling but intending to give me away
Never would ink his thoughts on me
Says I'm too beautiful
He says he would never rip out the pages of my innocence
Or mar them with the ink of his despair
I reply
My pretty exterior
Is only a wrapper
Of torn pages, doodles, and pain
Just waiting to make poetry...
With you.

Sunday, April 11

National Poetry Month: Day 12 (True Colors)

I wrote this piece because I know a few bad apples in my world right now are attempting to spoil the bunch.  Those who can not deal with their own mediocrity, so they use the defense mechanism of gossip and under-handedness to deal with their own pain.  I feel sorry for them, and I hope they can come to terms with their own shortcomings instead of attempting to tear others down.  And yes, if your toes are feeling sore, handle that.

i see your true colors
no not shining

in fact your true colors
(attempt to)
shade my brilliant pigments
mute my brilliance

you're like a pair of red socks
in my white laundry
in hot water
your negative energy
everything you touch
and everyone can clearly see
that it is your fault

green eyes
black hearts
yellow bellies
are unnecessary
there is room on the rainbow for us all
i'll even save you a seat,

for when you smarten up.

Naturally Alise © 2010

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'
Day 2 - Silly Me
Day 3 - Haiku Series (sky theme)
Day 4 - Soul Resurrected
Day 5 - Poetry Chase
Day 6 - Guest Blog Poetry Slam: Musical Favorites : AmyMay
Day 7 - Guest Poet: SheHateMe 
Day 8 - Guest Poet: Tiara R.
Day 9 - Guest Poet: Ron Jolla
Day 10 - Unicorns
Day 11 - Random Haiku

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it. Drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured this month!  Enjoy!

Saturday, April 10

National Poetry Month: Day 11 (Haiku)

Three random haiku I wrote....

the gleam in your eye
currently is my lighthouse
to make it to shore

sick of all these flames
where are the phoenix classes
i'm ready to rise


today is Sunday
it is time for the Soulstice
so crazy it's cool

(Tune in to Soulstice Sundays 3pm-5pm

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'
Day 2 - Silly Me
Day 3 - Haiku Series (sky theme)
Day 4 - Soul Resurrected
Day 5 - Poetry Chase
Day 6 - Guest Blog Poetry Slam: Musical Favorites : AmyMay
Day 7 - Guest Poet: SheHateMe 
Day 8 - Guest Poet: Tiara R.
Day 9 - Guest Poet: Ron Jolla
Day 10 - Unicorns

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it. Drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured this month!  Enjoy!

National Poetry Month: Day 10 (Unicorns)

The alleged "they" say
When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras
Well when I hear them I think unicorns
And if it walks like a duck
It must be a peacock
And rain is just an excuse for rainbows
If ain't broke then....
I'll just fix it
... and spraypaint it purple
And if he breaks my heart
I just think of unicorns, peacocks, rainbows, and purple
Because silly...
makes the pain a little easier...

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'
Day 2 - Silly Me
Day 3 - Haiku Series (sky theme)
Day 4 - Soul Resurrected
Day 5 - Poetry Chase
Day 6 - Guest Blog Poetry Slam: Musical Favorites : AmyMay
Day 7 - Guest Poet: SheHateMe

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it. Drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured this month!  Enjoy!

Thursday, April 8

Guest Poet: Ron Jolla (National Poetry Month: Day 8 )

Today's guest poet is one of the funniest people I have encountered on these here 'innanets'.  You may remember him from the "What's Going Down" episode of "That's My Mama"... okay not really, but you may remember this series of me and him being extra silly.  Anyway, imagine my utter happiness to find out he had a poem to contribute this month!  Here it is!

Sometimes you just want understanding

Not from others about yourself;

But from you...about you.

Sometimes you just want to be carefree,

To have days from your childhood

..Like things used to be.

Sometimes you want to forgive...

But you can't, so you're at fault.

And sometimes you're at fault,

But you don't know just know you are.

Sometimes you want to protect everyone you know,

And sometimes you know that it's impossible...

But sometimes you try anyway.

Sometimes you want to get off on an early exit,

because you KNOW there's traffic ahead;

...But you never do.

But sometimes you always want to,

and the people around you don't understand that...

So sometimes you just turn the music up,

play what they want to hear to shut them up.

Sometimes you wish it all would just come easy:

The dream house, dream job, dream spouse...

And sometimes you realize that they are called dreams for a reason.

Sometimes your faith wavers,

But you see everybody else faking like theirs doesn't...

So sometimes you fake right alongside them...

Sometimes you have all the right answers, all the right moves...

And sometimes you just don't know anymore.

Sometimes in a room full of people is the best place to hide,

While sometimes isolation by choice...

feels like assisted suicide.

There are moments when you want to just cry

when no one is looking,

But sometimes it feels like some one always has their eye on you...

Sometimes you want to do something good for someone,

But you question if they question your motives.....

...Because sometimes they do.

Sometimes an ex friend,

or ex love reappears in your life,

And sometimes you miss them for who they are,

or who they were...

Sometimes you get real close to saying something,

Then you wonder aloud why you should even bother.

Sometimes you meet people who are superb human beings...

And sometimes you aren't what they need, and vice versa...

Sometimes you feel like a complainer, instead of an explainer...

So you stop explaining, and you don't understand why no one understands.

Sometimes, even after three hundred and seventy four words,

you still haven't said what you wanted to say.

And sometimes, it's better that it ends that way.

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'
Day 2 - Silly Me
Day 3 - Haiku Series (sky theme)
Day 4 - Soul Resurrected
Day 5 - Poetry Chase
Day 6 - Guest Blog Poetry Slam: Musical Favorites : AmyMay
Day 7 - Guest Poet: SheHateMe

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it. Drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured this month!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 7

Guest Poet: Tiara R. - National Poetry Month: Day 8

Today's guest poet is  best friend to awesome ePosse member PBG's daughter Tee (me and her posted a blog together a while back: ).  She is 16 and quite the amazing poet, wise well beyond her years.  Without further ado, I present Tiara R..

Paper Towns 
by Tiara Rasheed
balloons masking the sky
i'm findin' blue , beyond them
i'm seeing the strings ,
as they fall and get cut

they are all arranged ,
one by one
two by two
a series you could have seen
you could have seen it
before it got here

but you're sure to know it left
the presence was the truth
in all it's essence , natural
like the clouds on a nice day
like the rain when you're indoors

the paper towns
with paper people
and paper feelings
never expressed ,
never real

always false , never
right , always hidden
never , shown.
strings have to be cut
and hearts have to break

paper towns
with paper people
are almost always

The Inspiration behind the poem:
I wrote the poem shortly after reading the book "Paper Towns" by John Green. The book was an amazing out look on city life and how false it can really be. The term "Paper Town" cam from the book and basically meant that things  aren't always what they seem and smiles don't always mean happiness. Looks aren't always what they seem. After reading the book it made me think about what is or isn't false in my own personal "Paper Town". The poem was almost a response to the new was of defining what I saw and how I took it using terminology from the book. The poem was my own way off saying I relate to the book and can put it into my own words. The inspiration for my poem was the book "Paper Towns" by John Green.

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'
Day 2 - Silly Me
Day 3 - Haiku Series (sky theme)
Day 4 - Soul Resurrected
Day 5 - Poetry Chase
Day 6 - Guest Blog Poetry Slam: Musical Favorites : AmyMay
Day 7 - Guest Poet: SheHateMe

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it.  Also the second week of April I will be featuring some of my favorite poets.  i already have 2 lined up, drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured as well!  Enjpy!

(I will apologize now, the pieces may be raw and/or unfinished, but hell no one would know that but me, lol)   

Tuesday, April 6

Guest Poet: SheHateMe - National Poetry Month: Day 7

Today's guest poet is a great budy of mine who goes by the internet moniker of SheHateMe.  This guy is an awesome poet and blogger.  You can check him out at his blog, Blogs of the Invisible Soul or on Twitter.  He also was a guest poet here last year: Giveaways & Guest Poet: SheHateMe.  So I hope you enjoy this beautiful piece as much as I do!

"Let me be your diary, and let your pen be your guide."

So, normally, I try to write about what's in my heart.  Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's sad, sometimes, it's just a reflection of what I'm going through and yet, other times, I have NO idea where it came from.

Hey woman, say woman, it's been a while,
Over 5 months since I seen your smile.
What's going on, what's wrong?
Didn't you hear that brand new song?
It debuted yesterday on the radio-
Hey, grab my hand, come on, let's go.
Where to?  Oh, nowhere and everywhere.
I want to dig in your mind and stay there.
Let's scream it out, talk it out.
Write it out, walk about.
Get those emotions out,
Here's a pitcher for those tears, let's pour them out.
I can see those eyes, what's in your heart?
Let me guess, the wrong actor tried out for the main part?
Yeah, it figures, you know, this movie called Life
Doesn't always do what's right.
And it's never fair, at least not fair to your advantage.
But don't you worry, me and you will manage.
Remember that I'll always be an ear.
To listen to your trouble, and I'll always be near.
Let me be your diary, and let your pen be your guide.
Let my presence be your pages, and let your heart be your scribe.

And there you have it.  I guess my momma was right, I'll always be a diary to the masses.

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'
Day 2 - Silly Me
Day 3 - Haiku Series (sky theme)
Day 4 - Soul Resurrected
Day 5 - Poetry Chase
Day 6 - Musical Favorites Blog Poetry Slam - featuring AmyMay

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it.  Also the second week of April I will be featuring some of my favorite poets.  i already have 2 lined up, drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured as well!  Enjpy!

(I will apologize now, the pieces may be raw and/or unfinished, but hell no one would know that but me, lol)  

Monday, April 5

Guest Blog Poetry Slam: Musical Favorites (National Poetry Month: Day 6)

This week's Blog Poetry slam topic and poem is coming from my very dear friend and kindred spirit, Amy.  You can find Amy at her two beautiful blogs: random and pressing details and The Attic of my Mind or on twitter.  Amy and I share a mutual "stan-dom" for Erykah Badu, so she contributed a poem that I thought would be perfect.  Today's theme is to write a poem about or inspired by your favorite album or artist.  The next two poems will be Amy's and then mine.  Write your poem and put it in the comments.  Your poems can be short or long, silly or serious, however the spirit hits you.  Happy Writing! 

Road Trip With Erykah

Shifting into drive, and rollin' out
Miles stretching out before me like a promise.
My travelling companions on the pre-dawn highway...
my over-taxed,
And Erykah's voice.
The sun rises to my left and
waves away the dusky purple shadow
of night's last sigh.
"Honayyyyyy...... you're soooo sweet"
the lyric coincides with the gilding of a new day.
Note by note and mile by mile
driving the pain away,
leaving Thought along the road,
let that raggedy hitch hiker fend for herself.

Lyrics, fluid from my speakers,
flood my mind.
Rising like the tide
to wash away the memories
and burdens.
In this solitude with Erykah's voice,
I am finding a small, quiet place.
It is mine.
And the miles roll on under my tires.
I am farther from home,
closer to where I am going,
and not wanting to get there.
Yearning for the journey,
not the destination.
It is mine.
Like silk ribbon through slack fingers,
the notes slip through my brain.
Caressing away the tense expectation
of resistance yet to come.
For now, the music says,
let this be enough.
Let go.

Let this ride last a little longer,
safe and alone in my capsule of sound,
wheels turning...
and delivering me away....
Even if it is temporary,
it will be enough,
it is mine.

© AmyMay

Cold, Lonely

on cold lonely nights
i hug my journal
i strike pen to paper until the smoke detectors go off
and let the flames warm the empty side of the bed
and thaw the ice forming on my heart
so it can melt onto the page
to make sweet poems
to cut the edge of my bitterness

on cold lonely nights
i cuddle badu albums
hoping the other side of the game
will certainly occupy the other side of the bed
and lull me into dreams of having you right now
instead of next lifetime
underneath the orange moon
together going on and on...

© Naturally Alise 2010

musical treat:

Sunday, April 4

National Poetry Month: Day 5

Poetry Chase

poetry took a swing at me
but i writer's blocked it
I ran off when it tried to slam me
but it still gave chase
and i even threw on a thesaurus to try to disguise myself
but poetry still knew it was me
so i shut the door
when poetry tried to open mics on me
but poetry devised the perfect rhyme scheme to catch me:
a new badu album.

my new favorite song:

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'
Day 2 - Silly Me
Day 3 - Haiku Series (sky theme)
Day 4 - Soul Resurrected

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it.  Also the second week of April I will be featuring some of my favorite poets.  i already have 2 lined up, drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured as well!  Enjpy!

(I will apologize now, the pieces may be raw and/or unfinished, but hell no one would know that but me, lol)  

Saturday, April 3

National Poetry Month: Day 4

Soul Resurrected

how could they take an act I love so much
and make it dirty
and transfer it to my soul via osmosis
killing it
you know what the worst death is?
... when you survive it
an empty shell running on fumes
going through the motions
making no forward motion
repressing emotions
because reliving it causes too much commotion

but today i will deal with the noise
i replay the scene
one holds down my pride
spreads open my dignity
and thrust shame and insecurity into me repeatedly
while the others take their turn
they are killers on the loose
but why is it my soul gets the death penalty
and every day i pace up and down death row
dead girl walking
and it took me 12 years to realize
i am the only one that can issue a pardon
so as of today
i declare that i am now free

a musical treat:

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'
Day 2 - Silly Me
Day 3 - Haiku Series (sky theme)

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it.  Also the second week of April I will be featuring some of my favorite poets.  i already have 2 lined up, drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured as well!  So since this is April 1st, below will be the first of 30 poems to come...  enjoy!

(I will apologize now, the pieces may be raw and/or unfinished, but hell no one would know that but me, lol) 

National Poetry Month: Day 3 I don't cheat, on days when I do haiku I will post 3.... Enjoy!

Day 3 - "In the Sky" ( Themed Haiku Series)

i'm just like the sky
free, wide, beautiful, and clear
but still i am blue

when i look at clouds
they can be most anything
just like my future

i envy the birds
even when they shit on you
it is still good luck

and here's a little nostalgia:

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'
Day 2 - Silly Me

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it.  Also the second week of April I will be featuring some of my favorite poets.  i already have 2 lined up, drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured as well!  So since this is April 1st, below will be the first of 30 poems to come...  enjoy!

(I will apologize now, the pieces may be raw and/or unfinished, but hell no one would know that but me, lol) 

Thursday, April 1

National Poetry Month: Day 2

Silly Me

i spent so much time watching my back
that i forgot about the front
and now i am in the middle of a mess
i fronted you my heart
without a backup plan

you had the best thing in front of you
but you turned your back
now i must confront tears
as my back is against the wall
but i can't front
i'd take you back in a minute....


Day 1 - I'm Just Sayin'

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it.  Also the second week of April I will be featuring some of my favorite poets.  i already have 2 lined up, drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured as well!  So since this is April 1st, below will be the first of 30 poems to come...  enjoy!

(I will apologize now, the pieces may be raw and/or unfinished, but hell no one would know that but me, lol) 

Wednesday, March 31

National Poetry Month: Day 1

April is National Poetry Month.  I knew I loved April for a reason!  For this month I will write and post a poem every.single. day.  Hold me to it.  Also the second week of April I will be featuring some of my favorite poets.  i already have 2 lined up, drop me a line at naturallyalise (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested in being featured as well!  So since this is April 1st, below will be the first of 30 poems to come...  enjoy!

(I will apologize now, the pieces may be raw and/or unfinished, but hell no one would know that but me, lol)

Day1 - I'm Just Sayin'

i am not bragging or boasting
but i think that poetry
[actually i'm quite sure]
was made just for me
i mean think about it:
it listens to all my problems
and i have a lot of those
so i'm sure i keep it pretty occupied
so it couldn't possibly have time for anyone else.
i'm just saying...

Tuesday, March 30

Blog Poetry Slam 45: Natural

Hello fellow poetry lovers! Since my stage name is Naturally Alise, and I have natural hair, and I am just generally naturally awesome; I decided for today's topic to be "natural". In the comments write a lovely poem. In can be serious or silly, long or short, even haiku. After the video is my poem. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

*I have 2 poems*

Natural Woman

You know Ms. Franklin, I feel ya....
I mean naturally, I should...
pun intended...
Someone walked into my life and inspired me.
in spite of the rain that delivered punches to my soul...
and left my inspiration beaten, bruised, battered and beleaguered.
[sigh, just tired]
...and made me feel
like a natural woman.

©2008 Naturally Alise

Naturally Me
Looking towards unfair standards of beauty

Feeling like fitting in was my duty....

But all that pressure was strand by strand damaging me.

Slowly breaking off from my own hand needlessly.

So scared to cut loose and put my true texture out there for all to see.

So afraid to display the natural me.

Longing to be.... naturally me.

But one day I awoke with a revelation.

That what was on and in my head was more than mere decoration.

It symbolized a needed transformation.

I was craving to be a new creation.

Realizing I didn't need others admiration,

I needed to feed my soul that was suffering from starvation.

Longing to be.... naturally me.

I picked up the scissors and years of insecurity fell to floor with just a few snips.

A sigh of relief quickly left my lips,

Walked to the mirror and saw a glow that nothing could eclipse,

I then looked and saw the beauty of all my features from my dark skin, full lips, and hips.

I now was at ease with my self image, finally coming to grips.

Realized this love for myself is my most important relationship.

And at last I was.... naturally me.

©2006 Naturally Alise

*just because here are a few of my favorite natural hair sites*

Monday, March 22

Blog Poetry Slam 44: Letters

Dear Readers,

Ever had something you really wanted to say to someone, but just couldn't get it out verbally? i have a huge problem with this, but a tool that works well for me is writing letters. They are soul cleansing even if you never send them. So for today's theme for the Blog Poetry Slam is to write a letter to someone in poem form to let out something that is on your heart that needs to be released.

Leave your poems in the comments sections. After the video is my poem. I can't wait to see what you talented folks come up with.


dear dad,

I know that:

hard times cleverly creep into the cracks, crevices, and corners of our lives.

and seek to destroy

but apparently resilient doesn't describe you.



describes the promises.trampled on by you.

your soles

stepped on souls

as your feet rapidly raced from responsibilities.


still love ya though,


Thursday, March 18


my life is not a bitch
it is more like a bastard
an old dirty one that is...
because my lifestyle has no father
it is original.

...word to ODB...

click for a musical flasback...

Suggested E-Posse Reading (repost)

The ePosse The PBG, Luvvie, and me have had HILARIOUS adventures together and seperately that you should definitely read about... Trust me, uproarious laughter will ensue.

For more ePosse adventures on Black Woman Lost & Found (click here)
Have a great weekend!

the leather chronicles...

*pleather in all its splendor*

It has been a long time since I have had a nice foolery, silly, slightly ignant twitter exchange with one of the members of my  illustrious ePosse, The PBG.  Today she shared one of her always amusing stories of DC Public Transit...  silliness ensued, so I thought I'd share:

thepbg: I wish this dude sittin nxt 2 me in this loud ass "leather" jacket wld keep the fk still. All that squeakin!

NaturallyAlise: "leather adjacent"....

thepbg: "Proximal leather"

NaturallyAlise: "leather twice removed"

thepbg: Assault w/attempted leather

NaturallyAlise: vehicular leather-cide

thepbg: PETA-friendly leather. No cows were harmed in the making of that jacket.

NaturallyAlise:  Objects on this jacket are less leathery than they appear.

thepbg: oh how I missed ur foolery! #ePosse

thepbg: please include the word "leatherette" in there somewhere.

Gotta love us!

Click to get links to ThePBG's blogs and twitter... she is a joy to follow!

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